The best relationships are those where you feel cared for, appreciated, and understood by your partner in all areas of your life, whether it’s the bedroom or the boardroom. However, if you’re getting more arguments than laughs with your significant other, it might be time to re-evaluate how you’re feeling about your relationship. If you often find yourself saying any of these statements, it could be a sign that you’re settling for less than what you deserve from your partner. But, how would you recognize such signs? Here are the common signs you are settling for less in a relationship.
List of Signs You are Settling for Less in a Relationship

1. You Feel Lonely
While we often confuse the two, being lonely and being alone are not the same. People convince themselves to settle for less because they feel lonely.
To better understand who you are, you need to learn to become comfortable with yourself. It’s essential for your development. Allow yourself to figure out who you are, and don’t fear enjoying being alone.
Also Read: How to Love Yourself with Self Love Techniques?
2. Your Partner Doesn’t Know Your Real Plans
In a good relationship, both partners should have an equal say. Communication is key, and without it, your partner might not understand where you’re coming from or what you really want out of life. If your partner doesn’t know your true plans or ambitions, then you’re settling for less than you deserve.
Don’t allow others to decide how you live your life. Let them be just as involved in planning and moving forward as you are!
3. You are Clueless about What You Want

Before getting into a relationship, you need to understand what you want in a partner. You might not think it matters at first, but it will soon become a factor.
Some say opposites attract, but you usually have at least some common interests and life goals. If you are clueless, it is one of the main signs you are settling for less in a relationship.
4. You think time will heal
It’s true, the clock is ticking, and you might want to be married by a certain age. But what are you willing to risk – spending the rest of your life alone? Or do you want everything you ever wanted and more?
Put any major decisions on hold, and don’t jump at anything right away just because you think you’re running out of time. Patience really is a virtue.
5. You hate to be left out
You think you need to follow everyone else by getting married or entering a relationship because all your friends are, but really it’s all about your personal happiness. Listen to your inner self; don’t let society tell you what to do. Your happiness is much more important.
6. You act like you hate each other but can’t leave

This can be one of those signs you are settling for less in your relationship. If you want to keep it together just because of your shared mortgage, kids, or anything similar – then that’s not love. It is unfortunate, but what often happens with people who get married at an early age and stay together because of convenience is that they get stuck being bitter about it.
There is no real love there anymore, but neither wants to be single, so they stick around. This kind of situation usually becomes toxic on both sides and does more harm than good to them over time. Never settle for less than you deserve in any relationship because you may regret it later on down the road!
7. It feels good when things go wrong
Sometimes, though, when things go wrong or someone hurts us, we try to convince ourselves that it’s okay because they were just meant to be. Or we’ll make excuses and say something like, Well, I wasn’t really happy anyway, so what does it matter? What you are going through is common as well as natural.
When you decide that you’re never settling for less than you deserve, remember: don’t settle for someone who has shown through their actions (and not words) that they’re not worthy of your love. Don’t settle until you find what will give your heart wings! Don’t settle until YOU start to fall in love with yourself again… And if there’s no one else worth risking your heart by, then don’t settle at all!
8. Admiring Their Easy Going Attitude Too Much
You may have once appreciated your partner’s easygoing attitude, but now you find that it prevents them from confronting others when they do something inappropriate. Likewise, you may have once admired your partner’s dedication to their career or family, but now that they always put work first or constantly cancel weekend plans, there is never enough time to spend together.
Never settle for less than you deserve in any relationship—even if that means breaking up. If your partner can’t do better, it is time to let them go and make room for someone who will truly appreciate what you bring.
9. You don’t think you deserve better

You’re in a place where you think there is nothing better for you. It’s easy to convince yourself that you’re content, but you could be much happier than that. Don’t stay with someone who dismisses your dreams or tries to mold you into someone you’re not.
Once you understand you deserve more, you will be able to move on. Hence identifying this as one of the main signs you are settling for less in a relationship is important.
10. You feel emotionally drained and exhausted
Love may not always be romantic, and true love takes hard work. And if you spend most of your time feeling unhappy, you need to wake up. You should not sacrifice your own happiness to stay in a relationship. On the contrary, this should bring out the best in you.
To Sum Up
Every relationship has ups and downs. But if you are seeing only the downside and witnessing the signs we discussed in these signs you are settling for less in a relationship post, it is better to move on.