10 Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship You Need to Know

Every relationship doesn’t end in a happily ever after. In reality, many relationships teach us lessons, make us stronger, or maybe just help us discover a few new places to eat. Whatever kind of relationship you’re in, look-out for this 10 red-flags, which are the signs of a toxic relationship, and re-evaluate your choices.

1. Secrecy and Lies

Generally, the first among the signs of a toxic relationship is lies. When you find out your partner is lying and confront them about it, it leads to secrecy. This often sets off a vicious cycle of insecurity and fights.

See also: 10 Surprising Signs You’re Not In Love With Your Partner.

2. Insecurity

If your partner makes you feel unsure or insecure about your relationship or yourself, it’s another sign that something isn’t right. This is often set-off by suspicious behavior, secrecy, and lies.

3. Constant Fights

Invariably, the first two signs lead here. You’ll now be having fights, maybe every day or even more than once in a day, too… This is a key sign that your relationship is getting worse.

4. Avoidance

Next comes avoidance. You might want to talk things out to stop the constant fighting, or about the secrecy and the lying, but your partner might try their best to avoid this confrontation from happening. Or worse still, they would ignore you when you voice your concerns. This is another major element among the signs of a toxic relationship.

5. Aggression

Often, when a relationship is going sour, your partner may not want to engage you, in any way. And when you push to get their attention, it might bring out aggression. If your partner is aggressive towards you in any way, verbally or physically, it is one of the signs of a toxic relationship.

6. Emotional Manipulation

This is the hardest trait to figure out because most of the times you’ll never realize this until it’s too late. This is also one of the signs of a toxic relationship.

If you feel your partner is trying to emotionally manipulate you into behaving according to their whims, or, if you’re guilty of trying this on your partner, you’re in a toxic relationship, no doubt.

See also: 8 Unrealistic Expectations In Relationships Will Leave You Disappointed.

7. Constantly Pointing Out Your Flaws

Everybody has flaws that we so desperately try to hide or overcome. And having them constantly thrown in your face can break down anyone. So, if you feel this is something happening in your relationship, heads-up, it’s getting toxic.

8. Victimization

If either one of you, try to victimize yourselves by bringing up your partner’s past mistakes, just to guilt-trip them into behaving differently, then it’s absolutely not appropriate. And you should realize it’s one among the signs of a toxic relationship.

9. Demeaning Talk

Talking down to your partner or trying to crush their spirit with your words is the worst thing you can do. Even anger shouldn’t drive you down to this level. If you find this happening, it is one of the signs of a toxic relationship that you’ve got to rethink what you’re doing.

10. Alcohol Driven Intimacy

Now, this is another huge red flag. In fact, you may not even realize this is happening. When your partner gets physical or agrees to intimacy only after a few rounds of alcohol and never sober, do yourself a favor and step back.

Maybe you’re going through a crisis right now, or maybe you’ve been in a relationship that has been draining you and just can’t find the courage to admit that it’s over.

Either way, watch for these 10 signs of a toxic relationship and if you do find them, please be loyal and kind to yourself and end it.

See also: Friendship Turns Into Love? 5 Ways To Avoid Falling In Love With A Friend.


An enthusiastic blogger, author, and reader.

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