How to Stop Stalking Your Ex on Social Media or Anywhere?

Stop stalking your ex, darling!

Entering a new relationship is hard, keeping the relationship strong is harder and not being in a relationship anymore is the hardest. We invest a lot of emotional and mental energy in the relationship and person. After the breakup, a lot of us find it difficult to continue life without that person and it often feels like we can’t be alone anymore.

Well, I can assure you, you lived well enough before your ex and you will still live well enough without them. However, it so happens that our mind will be in the habit of always wanting to know what our ex is up to and social media becomes an enabler to this destructive habit. So to put it bluntly, how do we stop stalking your ex on social media?

Tips and Tricks to Avoid and Stop Stalking Your Ex

Ask a Friend to Help

First of all, ask a friend to help keep you away from constantly stalking your ex on social media. Humans always work best in packs. This friend will be responsible for making sure you don’t backtrack. Having someone to keep an eye on you will trick your mind into thinking that it is still in the relationship. And then you can slowly get back into not always needing someone on your back.

On the plus side, friends always help to make us feel better, whether it is bringing us ice-cream and bad movies, or dragging us to a party or even help us to cry our hearts out.

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Use Therapeutic Method

Secondly, you need to be aware of every time that you think about what the other person is doing. So, get a bunch of cards and make a mark on them every time you think about him/ her. This is a therapeutic method used by professionals to help people get out of destructive habits like biting fingernails, Chain Smoking, etc. Another more techy method is by making a note on your phone. But this can backfire if you open social media and then fall back into the cycle.

Take a Break From Social Media

This brings us to the third thing you should definitely do; take a break from social media. Blocking the ex would hurt any remaining chances of keeping the friendship, but if you don’t want a friendship with the ex, go ahead. Block him/her, delete their texts, DMs and pictures. Taking a break from social media has always been healthy. And, in this situation, it will help us get over the ex and stop stalking the ex on social media.

Busy Yourself

Lastly, you need to keep yourself busy.  This can be by starting a new hobby or immersing yourself in your work. Going to the gym is a great new habit to start as it helps you get healthier and who knows, you might even meet a new person. One thing that you have to keep in mind, do not to replace your stalking habit with another harmful habit like binge-eating or over rebounding.

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It might seem impossible, now, to get over your ex, to get out of the destructive cycle of stalking the ex, and to feel better about yourself. But, I promise you, it is possible. It’s also really hard and mentally exhausting, but it is most definitely possible.

Stalking your ex hurts your emotional well being, so take the first step and help yourself. Now that you know how to help yourself, try, to take the first step. Push through the hard parts and always remember you are not alone. There will be more relationships, more heartbreaks, and more love. There is more than enough love to heal your heart, but your mind needs help.

Help yourself!


An enthusiastic blogger, author, and reader.

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