Trust his actions, not words, they say. But what if his actions are fake too? How will you recognize if your man is madly in love with you or just pretending to be a nice lover? Therefore, it is so important to make notes of his words as well as actions. Do not avoid the signs of fake love from a man as this will only harm your emotions in the end.

How to Identify the Signs of Fake Love from a Man?
When a man is in love, you will see it through his eyes, words, and actions. True love does not even sow the seeds of doubt and insecurity as you trust your man blindly.
On the other hand, when a man pretends his love for you, he will not show his genuine interest in you and your choices. That is where you can identify if your man truly loves you or is just having a good time with you.
A lot of activities and certain gestures can be noticed by you in your man. For instance, he doesn’t value your time or feelings, never opens up to you, and doesn’t make you feel special. Through such signs, you can spot his fake love and take action accordingly.
Let’s have a keen eye on the strongest signs of fake love from a man:
1. Pay No Attention to Your Words
A man in love will always love to hear from you; be it foolish or sensible talks. While the man who is not so much into you will not even pay attention to what you speak to him.
When he lacks interest in you, he will barely show his interest in listening or remembering the details you tell him. This directly indicates that your man is not emotionally invested in this fake relationship.
2. Selective Romantic Attraction
Your man won’t leave any minute to praise you if involved in love thoroughly. However, a man who has deception in his mind will either make little effort or no effort to make the relationship stronger.
He will only show his romance when it fulfills his selfish desires. Showing romance selectively is one of the clear signs of fake love from a man. Thus, you should pay attention to his efforts and romance. If he does not build a strong relationship at his end, take it as a red flag.
3. Dry Communication
Another indication of a fake relationship is that the conversation between you two will be dull. Your man might not want to make any effort to build conversation and take it further. Since he just has to pretend his love so he will only communicate with you for a while but there won’t be any natural progression.
In a genuine relationship, one doesn’t even have to think about how to lead a conversation. If you feel you have to force yourself to build a conversation, this is one of the signs of fake love from a man.
4. Never Told His Parents About You
The involvement of parents in someone’s relationship is a big thing. If he loves you, he will never hesitate to introduce you to his parents. This generally happens when he wants to take this relationship to another level or planning to woo his woman.
However, a man who pretends to love you will not introduce you to his parents. Even if he does, he might only introduce you as a good connection or friend. You should always observe if he tells his friend about you. Also make sure, in what way he speaks about you behind your back in front of other people.
5. Treat You Nicely Only in Public
How beautiful it feels when he holds your hand in public and does not hesitate to give you forehead kisses. Ain’t it beautiful? But, what if you don’t receive the same love when you two are in person? Feels bad, right?
If he enjoys showing his possessiveness or affection to you only when your friends are around, don’t trust his actions. You would only feel nicer for a while. After that, he will only behave as a man behaves in a fake relationship.
6. Lack of Transparency
A man in a fake love relationship will not open up to you much. He will keep things to himself only. Since he does not have any emotional attachment with you, he probably won’t share anything special with you.
Moreover, you might not be aware of his favorite activities, his close friends, the dearest person in his family, and a lot more. Even if your man does not express his thoughts and feelings for you, this could be a clear indication of his fake love.
However, not every man feels comfortable expressing his feelings even if he loves you. But remember, everyone has their comfort zone. If he feels shy expressing his love for you in person, he will do it through text messages or calls but he will make ways to connect with your heart. If you see no effort and no transparency, you need to reconsider your thoughts.
7. Love the Sex but Not You
Sex can be good even if you are not emotionally attached to the person. However, there is a difference in the type of intimacy you get from your love partner and from time passer. For instance, if he truly loves you, he will still show his romance even after getting intimate; whether just diving into your eyes or talking romantically by wrapping you in his arms.
On the other hand, a man in a fake relationship will just satisfy his sexual desire and enjoy it but won’t make any romantic connection in bed afterward. If this happens to you, take it as one of the strongest signs of fake love from a man.
8. Does He Even Make You Feel Special?
Receiving a bouquet of pretty flowers, gifts, and chocolate works as a grand gesture of showing love to your partner. If your man does not even remember your birthday or make you feel special, this could also be a sign of fake love.
Making someone feel special is not only associated with expensive gifts; a peaceful movie night at home or candlelight dinner can also be considered. If your partner does not even do anything to make you happy or your relationship is boring, you should think wisely about this fake relationship.
9. Taking You Very Lightly
If you tell your plans or schedules to your man and he does not take them seriously, this directly shows he does not respect you. He might choose to spend his time with you only when it is convenient for him.
For instance, you tell him to take you out but he keeps flipping this idea for later. If that happens, then take it as a sign that he does not even value you and your choices.
10. No Prospects of the Future
One of the clear signs of fake love from a man is that he does not talk about the future of this relationship. Probably he does not even see any future with you. This also indicates that your relationship might not be long-lasting.
If you see this sign, better to talk about this with your man. Probably, it’s an infatuation which he is confusing with love. If he has no plan with you in the future, better to get separated now as it might affect you emotionally.
How to End a Fake Relationship?
If you notice any of the aforementioned signs of fake love from a man, you should definitely reconsider your thoughts of choosing him over anything. If you are into him a lot, it is better to talk to him about your insecurities.
Though you have to make sure that you don’t let his words soften your heart. Be practical, have confidence, and clear your doubts. If he is a keeper, he will prove it. But, if he freaks out on you after this discussion, take this also as a sign and end this fake relationship right there.