Wounded Masculine Energy: 8 Strong Signs of Blocked Masculine Energy

8 Signs of Wounded Masculine Energy

People with wounded masculine energy seek validation for their existence. The person feels it is their responsibility to bear the burden. Moreover, wounded masculine energy violates his sexual energy. Such a person refuses to change, move, heal, and become angry with the whole world. Similarly, there can be other violations that a person encounters with blocked masculine energy.

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8 Strong Signs of Blocked Masculine Energy

Our society praises male vigor. Creating, doing, organizing, analyzing, and attaining are beautiful things. However, we have developed an excess of male energy due to this. As a result, all of us are experiencing an energy imbalance between the divine masculine and feminine energy.

Consequently, we have suppressed our feminine energy like intuition, insight, love, empathy, and expressiveness. As a result, the dazzling and magnificent feminine energy lacks a safe container in which to flourish.

8 Strong Signs of Blocked Masculine Energy

In case you have no clue if your masculine energy is blocked, you should know the signs of wounded masculine energy.

1. You Find it Challenging to Sit Calm

Do you ever catch yourself being really cold and constantly needing to do something? You would not feel balanced if you injured male energy. You will have the feeling that “nothing is ever enough.” This might also result from early traumas and root system blockages caused by not feeling safe, secure, or battling for life.

See Also: 30 Signs of Blocked Feminine Energy: How to Unblock It?

2. You’re Constantly Thinking About the Past or the Future

You’re never there. Which male energy is present awareness? However, wounded male energy is always looking ahead and dwelling on the past. You will seldom feel as though you are always present. Or, while you eat food, do you take the time to appreciate it, or are you preoccupied with what you need to accomplish next?

3. You Have a Loud and Forceful Voice

A person with wounded masculine energy does not have a lot of tenderness. They look hostile when they speak. They nearly seem to be battling somebody with their speech.

4. Your Muscles are Stiff and Inflexible

You’ll feel like you’re in a box, especially on your right side (the masculine side), because you suppress your feminine essence. As a result of the wounded masculine energy, you may experience physical discomfort on the right side of your body.

5. You are Easily Provoked or Enraged

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re on edge? You have such a high level of intensity that even the simplest thing can send you over the brink. This is usually acquired as a result of your wounded masculine energy.

See also: Anger Management: How to Control Anger Before It Controls You?

6. You Have a Habit of Overthinking

You will have little relationship with your emotions due to wounded masculine energy. Most individuals are afraid of their hearts and seek refuge in their rational minds.

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7. You are a Doer Who is Always on the Go

The male energy gives, while the feminine energy receives. When someone appreciates you, you find it difficult to accept it and feel obligated to return the compliment in the case of blocked masculine energy.

8. You’re a Serious and Intense Person

Have you ever seen a youngster make the “I need to poop” face? It’s incredibly stiff and tight. People with wounded masculine energy will appear almost the same. It’s almost as though they need to use the restroom.

In Conclusion

For the divine masculine energy, get quiet, anchor yourself, breath deeply, practice making clear decisions, deepen your eye stare, and discover your primary reason for being here. This can take away the wounded masculine energy within the self.


Content strategist, jocular, and a bookworm.


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