It seems interesting when you encounter a person with six fingers. It looks strange. But at the very next minute, we all get curious what is exactly the idea behind these six fingers. Many of us even want to know the spiritual meaning of six fingers and toes.
Before moving forward, let me tell you a little bit about the six digits phenomenon.
According to the belief, those giants who walked on the earth had six fingers. The Bible has a few words regarding the same subject.
There can several reasons for having six fingers. It can be a birth defect which we call hexadactyly or some historical fact. The spiritual meaning of six fingers also plays an interesting role in this.
Giants or Humans: Spiritual Meaning of Six Fingers
There is a tribe called Waorani in Ecuador, most people of this tribe have six fingers and six toes. They also exhibit giants characteristic as Waoranis are known for their violence.
They are normal people with gigantic anger issues. 50% of their last 5 generations died in homicide. Medically this tribe depicts no major health issues in generations. No signs of cancer, high blood pressure, allergies, etc. Just like giants, they are very violent and strong.
Do We Get Six Fingers from Our Ancestors?

There are several ancient statues with six fingers. They are from all around the world. Petroglyphs in New Mexico revealed that people had six fingers.
It’s more common than it seems. There are three rivers in New Mexico where people easily find old petroglyphs which show hands with six fingers.
In particular, one of the petroglyphs found in Cave of the Giant Sloth in chili shows 6 fingers in both hands. Another famous site to find petroglyphs is Indian Creek State Park, petroglyphs of this site show that ancient riders and owners of pets had 6 fingers and toes.
The Pueblo people living in New Mexico (Chaco Canyon) had six fingers. Researchers found and studied the skeletons of 96 people. All of them had an extra finger and three of them had an extra toe. This is at least 3% of the total population of Chaco.
Six Fingers Phenomenon in Ancient Times
In ancient culture, it was a belief that a child born with six fingers was raised to be a king. Although nowadays people believe that a person with six fingers is bound to be a successful person.
There are many famous people with six fingers or toes who are successful enough in their life. There’s one we all know about that is Hrithik Roshan. World-famous celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Halle Berry, Maria Sharapova, Kate Hudson, and more also have 6 six toes.
Is It Lucky?
People also believe that having six fingers on your right hand is lucky. And, having an extra finger in your left hand brings ill fortune.
The holy bible also speaks about having six fingers and how it affects our luck. Six fingers symbolize power which is exactly the case in the Waorani tribe.
Fallen Angel

There are several tales about South America. One of which says that there was a tribe named Ugha Mongulala whose Chief Tatunca Nara was visited by gods. It says that gods came down from the sky and visited the tribe in 1300 B.C.E.
According to the belief, gods visited the earth every 6,000 years. In the tale, gods are described with light skin and thick beards. But, the unique fact about those gods was that they all had 6 fingers and 6 toes. And, since then people associate 6 fingers with something divine and spiritual.
Science Behind the Spiritual Meaning of Six Fingers
There’s a logical explanation for everything. The science behind six fingers is, it’s a genetic condition called polydactyly. It is a very common congenital malformation.
In the 21st century believing in fallen angels and giants is a little absurd. Don’t you think? There is a perfectly scientific reason for why and how it happens. Let’s just stick with science until another fallen angel visits earth in 6,000 years.
I think they had extra toe on each foot to give them more balance from how giant they were. And with extra finger on each hand was to hive them better ability to grab and hold giant object. God created all angels; He does not make any mistakes. God is perfect in all his creation He creates.
Indeed! God created all of us beautifully. The extra finger and toes just add more power to our spiritual power. That’s it!
HI? Winne.
I was born with 7 fingers on my left hand at birth and my mom gave me away at the hospital. Very strange things happen when I’m around. I am known as a healer. When I’m angry things move. When I’m being attacked a blue light comes from me. Can anyone tell me or help me? Mary
Dreamlover42258@yahoo. com
Just because something has a scientific explanation doesn’t mean there isn’t also more to it. I’m a scientist myself. We, as scientists, must come up with names for things. Just because there is a scientific name for six fingers doesn’t mean there isn’t more that comes with those genetics. Fallen angels are indeed real and they interbred with humans long ago, mixing some of their genetics with ours. Those genetics include six fingers along with other traits. Fallen angels come either from other planets or other possible outcomes of Earth, meaning the Multiverse Theory is correct.
“In the 21st century believing in fallen angels and giants is a little absurd”
Well, at least beats believing in 57 genders, in communism, in white human bad, everyone else good, don’t you think? Yes I voted for Trump, twice, and I hope he goes nedieval on the crazy leftists. Or our standards of living will match those from the stone age…
i have six finger on my right hand
God made science. A painter can create his own paint and then use it to tell a story through a picture, does the paint get credit for the story or the painter
I was born with six fingers on each hand. The extra digits were removed when I was circumcised as a baby. So I don’t remember them and I was born in the 70s. I would have been teased a lot in school here in Canada. I have bumps about the size of a small blister on the sides of my hand where they were. And those bumps tend to be extra sensitive if I cut or scrape them compare to the rest of the hand. I was curious about spiritual meaning behind a sixth finger. Thank you for sharing. I don’t take the ideas as absolute that you presented just some curious ideas.
God created humans to have 5 fingers and toes in each hand. I have heard some well known Christians, visited by Jesus, in the spirit realm, say to them that people born with 6 or 7 fingers come from a hybrid race, it’s not a 100% human race. Sad to say that they can’t be redeemed into salvation. Jesus died for a pure human race, not hybrids. Hybrids are the result of beings having intercourse with humans. This is why the flood came to earth, only Noah, his wife, his 3 son’s and their wives were humans. The rest were hybrids. Jesus had to be born from 100% human race to die for us at Calvary, this is why He saved Noah, his wife, his 3 sons and their wives. People have to repent, believe, accept Jesus as their personal Saviour, and walk with our Creator to make it to heaven. Hybrids will never be saved, because they are not human 100%.
Also, all these celebrities you just listed above are all devils that is why they all have the 6 fingers and toes. Oprah, Kate Perry and of them are not human. So thank you so much for much for pointing them out to us.
I was born with six fingers on both hands and foots but my parents had them removed while I was still a baby
The Native people greeted each other and strangers by raising their hand and saying “How”. They did this to count the fingers to prove they were not the cross bread people.
My son had 6 finger on both hands.
His punches are very strong he even hits my husband his dad on the nose and his nose bleeds
I was born with extra digits in both my pinky fingers as said above are super and very sensitivity’s when touched, even with heat. But I am not buying into all this rubbish about hybrids etc. what are you guys smoking? Seriously?
I was born with six fingers and I thank God and appreciate this gift
I was born with 6 toes on both feet and 6 fingers in each hand..thou at birth the ones on the hand were removed.
I was born with 6 fingers on each hand. My dad had them I inherited the trait from him. My oldest daughter and youngest daughter had extra fingers on each hand my middle daughter had none. I believe it is carried on the X chromosome. My two youngest children who are boys had extra digits. The oldest boy of the two had extra fingers and 1 extra toe. The youngest boy of the two had one extra finger and both toes had extra digits.
So according to these old superstitions we are either descendants of fallen Angels or a Royal family and meant to rule. Therefore I want to say , someone find me a country to rule, lol.
I have six fingers so also many of my siblings & cousins some include six toes, my father also has it, which he inherited from his mother with both six fingers & toes.
Can the DNA of such persons having them from different geographical locations be compare & find out either they from one origin and where the originated?
I don’t think it’s absurd at all to think about or believe in angels.
They are everywhere- if you are at peace with yourself & observant you will see them too.
Everything has meaning
While I think science is neat if you’re evolved enough to see into the spiritual world, literally everything is speaking to us.
Thank yu for the nice article
was born wwith six fingers my left hand small finger was in bone removed at two people say that strong go through so much but blesses see things beyound a dreamer seer see things before happens has so many weird gifts most says im the light dreams heavenly very strong but not liked beautiful heart allot wants the light but misuse me am im cursed