Every person has both masculine and feminine traits irrespective of gender. In addition, it is vital to balance these energies in order to be in alignment. If you are too much into masculine energy, it can have a direct impact on your daily life as your feminine energy gets blocked. Thus, knowing the signs of blocked feminine energy and fixing them is essential.
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What is Wounded Feminine Energy?
Feminine energy relates to a specific collection of attributes thought to be the opposite of male power. Your male side comes out when you’re striving forward towards a target, progressing, getting stuff done, and moving ahead. If you’re with the process of events, accept your creativeness, perform, explore, and pay attention to your internal environment, your feminine side emerges.

Once your feminine and male energies are out of harmony, you have blocked feminine energy. In women, everyone has divine masculine and feminine aspects. The issue arises when you suppress your feminine power and force your male energy to carry you throughout life.
As a result, it is critical to recognize these warning signals early on so that you can take action to solve the problem and enhance the balance of divine masculine and feminine energy.
This post will go through the thirty signs of blocked feminine energy and what you can do to unblock your divine feminine energy.
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30 Signs of Blocked Feminine Energy

1. Hygiene Practices are Neglected
You have a disorganized hairstyle, face, and fingernails. Visiting the salon or even doing them yourself is not essential for you. It is conceivable that you do not bathe frequently, have build-up beneath your nails, and do not attend to your hair.
2. Unconcerned with Beauty
You don’t value beauty or appearance, and you despise purchasing cosmetics. It can be a sign of blocked feminine energy. Taking measures to improve your appearance may not be of value to you.
3. Aggressive Personality
Your demeanor and gestures demonstrate a lack of gentleness and assertiveness. It could be difficult for you to keep your cool.
4. Refuse Assistance
Refusing to accept aid when you genuinely need it might indicate that you have obstructed feminine energy. Even if someone offers to assist you, you’d prefer to do it alone. While asking for help may make you feel weak, it is a wise step toward issue solutions.
5. You Ignore Your Appearances
You have no desire to dress nicely. It doesn’t imply whether you’re wearing ill-fitting clothes or appear unattractive. Usually, you take whatever is in the closet and go about your business.
6. Overconfidence in Oneself

Your greatest dread is having to depend on people for anything. Thus you may go to any length to avoid this.
7. Do Not Prioritize Self-care
You believe that self-care activities are pointless exercises and that you would better be doing something else.
8. Absence of Happiness in Life
Even if you have no valid grounds to be miserable, joy appears elusive to you. This could one of the signs of blocked feminine energy in you.
9. Do Not Rest
People with blocked feminine energy do not feel like resting. They think it is waste of time for them.
10. Sensuality is Lacking
There is a lack of depth and warmth, which could be the signs of blocked feminine energy.
11. Your Actions are Lacking in Grace
Your movement, speaking, and acting manner lack grace and elegance. As a result, being ladylike is not a practice of yours.
12. Putting On Masculine Apparel
One of the signs of blocked feminine energy is that your favorite outfits include oversized shirts, big coats, and big jeans just like men.
13. Speaking Out Loud

There is a tendency to speak excessively loudly, even in a private spot, and smile without elegance or tenderness.
14. You’re Far Too Direct
You excel at conflicts and discussions, and you probably enjoy being the last one to speak. This reflects your masculinity which means one of the signs of blocked feminine energy.
15. Comparing Yourself to Men
When assessing your achievements, you frequently compare your advancement to other guys. You must evaluate your achievement to theirs to evaluate it.
16. You Suppress Your Feelings
You don’t often show your emotions or feelings to others. Perhaps there is a portion of you that believes doing so is inadequate.
17. Empathy Deficit
Because sympathy is a fundamental component of dark feminine energy, a lack of compassion for others may suggest that yours is obstructed.
18. Have an Ego
A narcissistic individual is thoroughly self-absorbed and solely concerned about themselves. A person who shows this conduct demonstrates male vigor.
19. Enjoy Doing Odd Jobs
You adore climbing ladders, cleaning gutters, and constructing things. There is a significant difference between attempting to fix something fast and loving these activities as a passion.
20. Constantly Hanging Out With Guys

Several of your buddies are men, and you prefer spending time with them over your women.
21. Feminine Men Find You Appealing
Note that these forces are complementary and must be harmonized. As a consequence of your male energy, feminine guys gravitate toward you.
22. Spending Makes You Unhappy
You become irritable after visiting the mall.
23. You Despise Emotional People
When others show their feelings, you feel uneasy.
24. Not Interested in Discussions about Women
One of the signs of blocked feminine energy is that you are uncomfortable discussing women’s concerns.
25. You Have Masculine Interests

You appreciate sports like soccer, driving trash trucks, and hunting. Activities that require lots of physical energy.
26. Men are Your Mentors
Appreciation for some attributes exhibited by males is okay, but only if men are used as mentors. Then it could be an indication that your feminine vitality is obstructed.
27. You Shudder When You See Feminine Women
You shudder and believe other feminine ladies are pompous when you see them.
28. Perception Deficit
Divine feminine energy also requires a strong sense of insight so that if you lack it, you may have to rely only on reason and reasoning. If you have obstructed feminine vitality, you may sense this.
29. Suffering Provides You with a Notion of Self
You believe that to accomplish something significant, you must suffer.
30. You Don’t Appreciate Being Praised
When you have wounded feminine energy, you dislike being praised by others and are unsure how to respond when it occurs.
What Can You Do to Fix Dark Feminine Energy?
Being aware of these signs and making constant efforts to nurture your feminine energy will help you to unblock your feminine energy. By doing this, you can balance your feminine and masculine energy. Learn how to balance masculine and feminine energy in detail.
Winding Up!
Being a woman is something to be proud of and treasure. It’s a fantastic journey. Rather than suppressing the very thing that makes us distinct, we should show more gratitude for our gender. I hope that by adopting these hobbies into your life, you will be willing to shed the feminine energy within you all along!
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