A psychopath does not necessarily mean a criminal lover or a serial killer type. There is some psychopathy who live their lives as ordinary as ours. How do we know if we are dating a psychopath and what’s the best we can do by knowing the signs of a psychopath female in the relationship? Well, here are few signs of a psychopath female you can recognize in the relationship.
5 Strong Signs of a Psychopath Female that May Affect You Mentally

1. Things Move Faster than Usual and are Too Sweet
When you initially meet a psychopath in nature, the first immediate sign you could observe would be the way the relationship starts. They try and move very fast in a relationship. Also, they try to tell you the similarities in 2 of you, whether about likes, dislikes, or behavior and dreams. They seem to be so mesmerized by you and flatter you a lot. She will try and become the center of your world and invade your private space. She wants to become the best lover you have ever had and the best person for you and that is one of the strongest signs of a psychopath female.
2. Your Emotions is their Play Card
The lady you are dating could have signs of a psychopath if she has many sobbing stories to tell you, the abuse that she has gone through maybe in the past. She would try to develop a soft spot in you very soon. The sign of a female psychopath would be that she will try to tell you how immensely she wants to live a peaceful life since they’ve been through a lot. Soon you will start noticing that there is a lot of drama in her story. With all these traits, the female has lost her emotions, and her feelings become a playing card. She would hurt anyone with no remorse for it, which is a sign of a female psychopath in a relationship.
3. Manipulative Behavior
Manipulation is itself one of the strongest signs of a psychopath female. If you are dating a female psychopath, then you will often notice manipulative behavior in them. They will switch from one statement to another at their convenience. They will confidently support one argument, but later, they would bluntly change to another when you confront them. She would constantly crave attention from you.
4. She has an Accusing Trait of Behavior
She would comfortably flirt with her ex and stick on social media the whole day long, and when asking something, you are called the jealous one. They could ignore you for days, but she would say you are into your world, and you value her when it comes to you. She would love to have control over you and keep you trapped so that in no way could you escape. She could either move into your place directly and show her right towards all your stuff and routine and try to fit in your daily schedule.
5. Provoking Becomes a Usual Trait
You would often notice her provoking you in the fights, but she will turn into the silent one showing maturity and superiority when it becomes worse. After a while, you would find she is overpowering your feelings.
Final Words
If these indications are quite visible to you, they are the signs of a psychopath female. By any chance, you are dating or about to date such a woman, stay alert as such humans may affect your mental health. Moreover, a woman with a mental disorder may accuse you of certain things you could never even imagine. However, if you have the capability to handle such women then it should not be a problem.