PCOS is known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. In this syndrome, women develop a condition which causes hormonal imbalance and issues with metabolism. But you can take care of metabolism by following a perfect PCOS diet chart.
PCOS is quite common for women who are in childbearing age. One out of ten women in this age bracket suffers from PCOS. It can cause many serious health issues, such as depression, heart problems, diabetes, and an increased risk of endometrial cancer.
Smoking can worsen the risk of metabolic syndrome. These diseases can be life-threatening, if not treated in time especially when you don’t follow a good PCOS diet chart. By having good food, you can minimize the PCOS’s impact.
Also read: Best summer foods in India to get rid of heat.
Below is the PCOS diet chart which can help you what food should be consumed and avoided in PCOS.
Foods to Eat

Basic mantra to reduce PCOS’s impact by diet is to maintain insulin production, weight, and resistance. More than 50% of those with PCOS develops diabetes which is because of low insulin production. We will discuss a diet which focuses on healthy weight and production of insulin.
1. An Anti-inflammatory Diet
As the name suggests, this diet focuses on the reduction of inflammation which can cause fatigue. Foods like fatty fish, leafy greens, berries, and extra virgin olive oil are known to reduce inflammation.
2. A Low Glycemic Index Diet
A low GI diet allows the body to digest the food without increasing the insulin levels too high or drop them too low. GI diet maintains a healthy level of insulin. Foods such as nuts, fruits, seeds, starchy vegetables, legumes, and other unprocessed food items have a low level of GI.
3. The DASH Diet
DASH diet also known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension helps in reducing the heart risk for the person with PCOS. A DASH diet contains vegetable whole grain, fruits, fish and low-fat dairy products helps in maintaining PCOS symptoms. Any food item with high sugar and fat levels is discouraged.
Foods to Avoid

Unhealthy food and processed food should be avoided in general. But, people with PCOS should sincerely avoid such food items.
1. Junk Food
Junk food is called junk food for a reason. A person with PCOS should religiously follow their diet plan. It’s common to get cravings every once in a while but, it’s really important to control them. Instead of a cold drink have a glass of fresh juice, instead of white bread have brown bread. Try replacing unhealthy food with healthier food options.
2. Red Meat
Avoid having red meat such as pork, hamburgers, and steaks. Such food items can fluctuate with the insulin in your body in the process of digestion. And, we want to maintain a healthy insulin level.
PCOS is surely not a life-threatening disease but, it can cause complications. Apart from a healthy diet try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Have a good night sleep, do physical activities. With a few lifestyle changes, you’ll see yourself improve. Also, if you have signs of depression consult a therapist right away. Therapy is important no matter what.