10 Best Yoga for PCOS and PCOD
Bridge Pose is the best yoga for PCOS and PCOD. It helps relax the back muscles and soothe the brain while lowering stress and anxiety.
Bridge Pose is the best yoga for PCOS and PCOD. It helps relax the back muscles and soothe the brain while lowering stress and anxiety.
Besides racing heartbeat, rising blood pressure is also one of the social anxiety symptoms. Learn more about the signs of social anxiety.
To learn how to communicate effectively, one has to understand listening to someone is important. Besides that, pay attention to gestures.
Speaking clearly and efficiently are all essential aspects of first impressions and are necessary for socially awkward people.
It has been shown that flavonoids, which are plant metabolites, may improve memory retention and minimize memory decline.
To improve mental health, remember to smile and laugh at yourself as well. Laughter has been shown in studies to increase your immune system.
Mental health issues might be hard to see. Sometimes our bodies provide us with symptoms and signals, but we don't know. Check out these signs
When you ever wonder how to be mentally strong, always remember to accept hardships in your life. Learn more about becoming mentally stronger
Period cramps may be very painful at times, impairing your ability to go about your normal activities. Try these easy ways to ease such pain.
Different cultures have different definitions for what is déjà vu. Some have speculated that déjà vu is caused by a minor glitch in the brain