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Many people experience blocked heart chakra without even knowing it or understanding why they are feeling so much pain in their chest or what might be causing it.
Fortunately, there are many signs that can help you identify a blocked heart chakra. Also, you can heal it using a Rose Quartz Facet bracelet.
Heart chakra blockage symptoms are anxiety, depression, irritability, and much more. A closed heart chakra or imbalanced heart chakra makes you nauseous and frustrated inside.
So, let’s find out if your heart chakra is blocked or not. If yes, then let’s find its symptoms.
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Blocked Heart Chakra Meaning: What Is It?

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest. It influences a person’s emotional, spiritual, and physical health. The color associated with it is green.
If your heart chakra is blocked, you can heal it using Rose Quartz pebble stones.
When this chakra becomes balanced or open, one can experience greater self-love, acceptance, and empathy for others.
Let’s look at these 13 signs of blocked heart chakra:
You don’t take time for yourself
Many people don’t think that taking time for themselves is necessary. They might say I’m too busy to take a break right now, or I’ll just catch up on my sleep later.
This can be an indication that your energy is being drained from you and it could lead to feeling withdrawn from others.
When you take time for yourself, it allows you to recharge and reconnect with your own needs and desires.
Feel unworthy of love
If you find yourself feeling unworthy of love, it is possible that your heart chakra is blocked. Oftentimes this can be caused by past trauma and/or negative self-talk.
The best way to combat this is to work on loving yourself more, learning self-acceptance, and accepting the love you are given. One way to do this is by meditating on the color green and focusing on how love makes you feel alive.
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You rush relationships

You rush relationships because you’re afraid to be alone. As a result, you don’t fully commit because you believe there is someone better out there who will make you feel whole and complete. You find yourself in love with the idea of love rather than being in it for the right reasons.
Easily get jealous
You may be experiencing a block in your fourth chakra if you find yourself feeling jealous easily. When we experience jealousy, it is an indication that there is something that we want but can’t have.
The only way to clear the block is to stop focusing on what you don’t have and instead focus on what you do have and appreciate all the good things in your life.
You can also start practicing gratitude by counting your blessings and thinking about what makes you happy.
Holding onto negative feelings
You may not be aware that you are holding onto negative feelings. The following are five warning signs to look out for:
- You have an underlying feeling of worthlessness.
- Have difficulty expressing yourself through words.
- Feel disconnected from your own body, or you can’t get in touch with your emotions.
- You have chronic headaches, backaches, and stomach problems.
- You find it hard to relax and you’re always tense.
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You are always in a rush
We are conditioned to think that if we are in a rush, then we will have an easier time getting things done.
This can lead to chronic stress and anxiety because our bodies were not designed to work this way. If you feel like you’re always in a rush and it’s difficult for you to stop, chances are your heart chakra is blocked.
Other people feel like they have to tiptoe around you

It’s not just your own feelings that you need to worry about. When there is a blockage in the heart chakra, it can be difficult to empathize with other people as well.
You might find yourself feeling more sensitive and less able to understand their emotions or needs, causing them to feel like they have to tiptoe around you.
All your relationships are superficial
This means that you are too afraid to let others in or share your true feelings with them.
You may not be letting people get close to you, or if they do, it may only last for a short period before you push them away again. You’re simply not interested in investing in any type of relationship because it’s safer that way.
You’re struggling with commitment issues
Commitment issues are common among those who have a blocked heart chakra. This is often the result of feeling betrayed by someone close to them or having trouble opening up to others because of past trauma.
If you’re struggling with commitment issues, the following are the signs that you may have a blocked heart chakra:
- You find it difficult to express your emotions in relationships and friendships.
- You feel uncomfortable being touched, hugged, or kissed by other people.
Procrastinating when it comes to relationships
There are many different types of relationships in life: familial, romantic, platonic, and professional.
However, sometimes it can be hard to maintain a healthy balance between these relationships.
If you’re noticing that you’ve been procrastinating when it comes to certain types of relationships (i.e., avoiding family members or ending friendships), that could be because your heart chakra is being blocked. Eat That Frog book will help you to stop procrastination.
Related: 15 Ways to Strengthen Family Bonds, Improve Family Relationships
You’re holding onto past hurts

Holding on to past hurts can cause you to have a blocked heart chakra. If you are having trouble letting go or forgiving someone, it is likely that your heart is holding onto that hurt and it may be time to let the past go so that you can move forward.
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You’re not as empathetic
You might be experiencing a block in your heart chakra if you find yourself feeling cynical, withdrawn, or even just numb. You may also feel like you have no desire to help other people, or even worse, that other people are hurting your feelings.
If this sounds like you, it could be time to check out the root cause of what’s going on with your heart chakra.
Scared of rejection
One of the severe heart chakra blockage symptoms is this fear of rejection. You might feel before starting anything about the consequences. Due to past experiences and trauma, it hits differently and this fear of rejection is always there.
Final Words on Blocked Heart Chakra
If you have been keeping all your emotions bottled up or your heart chakra is blocked, you will make your life (especially your love life) imbalanced. So, it is better to free yourself from such negativity.
After letting go of all your emotions, you will feel lighter and brighter. You will start to see things with more clarity and be able to think more clearly.
You will have more energy and feel less drained. You’ll have better concentration and be able to focus on tasks for longer periods. People around you will notice the change in you too. They may even tell you that they can see the light coming out of your eyes again!