Best 10 Ayurvedic Herbs for Immune System to Fight Against COVID-19

Ayurveda is an ancient traditional system of using medicines in Indian. It was incorporated in the Atharva Veda. This idea of balancing the body uses the diet, herbal treatment, and yogi breathing. Ayurveda is also known as the ancient Indian medicinal system. This type of therapy helps to preserve one’s physical as well as mental health. Let me share some of the best Ayurvedic herbs for the immune system.

See also: 8 Natural Remedies For Back Pain And Inflammation That Works.

So here are 10 Ayurvedic herbs that will help you to build your immune system strong.

1. Ashwagandha

This herb is an adaptogen, which means that it will help your body relieve stress efficiently. Many types of research have been conducted, and hence is proved that it reduces the level of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that the body produces in times of stress. The usage of Ashwagandha will help your body to reduce the level of anxiety that one may be facing. It has also been stated that it enhances muscle growth, memory as well as it lowers the blood sugar level.

2. Boswellia

Boswellia composes the pitch of the Boswellia serrate tree. This herb helps one to reduce inflammation. It is also widely known as an anti-inflammatory drug. Studies have shown that it helps to improve mobility at a higher pace. Plus, it also aids in preventing oral infections.

3. Triphala

Triphala is an Ayurvedic remedy that consists of three herbs. Amal, bibhitaki, haritaki. These three combined produces a very good medicine that helps in reducing constipation, abdominal pain, and also helps people with gut disorder. One can also use this to kill the bacteria’s in the mouth. If you ask me, I will say that this is among the finest Ayurvedic herbs for the immune system.

4. Brahim

Studies on animals have shown that this herb has very strong anti-inflammatory properties. Some likes to its studies show that people using it have a better learning rate, attention, and a good memory. Some also say that it helps in reducing stress.

5. Cumin

Cumin is a type of an Ayurvedic spice. It helps the body of an individual in the production of digestive enzymes. And perhaps also facilitates the release of the bile from the liver. Some studies have shown a great deal of improvement in improving insulin levels.

6. Turmeric

You might have all heard of Turmeric. It is a potent spice among all the other spices. This spice has a very high anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. This spice is more effective than those anti-inflammatory drugs available in the market. Turmeric is among the best Ayurvedic herbs for the immune system.

7. Licorice Root

This herb is very useful when it comes down to fighting viruses and bacteria. It also helps to give a person relief from a sore throat, and people often use it to relieve the oral pain. It also helps one to prevent skin rash and stomach ulcers. So try to use this on the skin if you are facing skin rash.

8. Gotu kola

This herd is known to help improve one’s memory. Especially if the person is having strokes. This herb also helps an individual facing genetic anxiety disorder. Some people even say that it helps one in preventing stretch marks and helps to heal wounds faster.

9. Bitter Melon

This herb is mostly used by people who have a high blood sugar problem. This herb will help you to reduce the level of sugar in your body and keep it stable. Still try to consult a doctor if you are already using insulin. You don’t want to get your sugar levels low to the extent that it may harm your body.

10. Cardamom

This particular herb helps in relieving the blood pressure problem. People also claim that it has helped them in increasing the uptake of oxygen into the lungs. Researches have shown that after the usage of Cardamon there has been a 50% ulcer reduction in an individual. Or in some cases, it has completely eradicated the ulcers.


So these were the best Ayurvedic herbs for immune systems. These Ayurvedic herbs and spices help one to protect his/her body from various types of diseases and also maintain his/her health and immune system. I hope this article helped you with what you were looking for. Surely you can surf the internet for more details on herbs and how to use them for your benefit.


An enthusiastic blogger, author, and reader.

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