Know the signs of a clingy girlfriend!
Being clingy can be described as one being attached to its partner and being dependent on him. There are many women who are clingy but are not even aware of the negative effects their actions would have and probably think they are the best caring partners.
Why are Partners Over Clingy in a Relationship?
Well, a survey that took place states that being clingy and being insecure is concurrent. It is that constant feeling that she has of checking on him all the time.. and the signs of clingy girlfriend may be of calling and texting the person constantly when you are away from him just to be sure if he is not having fun without you or even dreadful – ” cheating on you”. Below are the 10 signs of a clingy girlfriend.
10 Signs of a Clingy Girlfriend

You Feel Like Talking to Him All the Time
You must understand that every relationship has a phase and the initial phase is the honeymoon period where you can’t get off each other but one should also understand that this is not a permanent phase and you need to come to normal when talking to your man all the time would be distressing.
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You Want to Be the Centre of his Life
Entering a relationship doesn’t mean you forget one’s individuality and don’t give him his space. A clingy girlfriend would want her life entirely surrounded by him and vice versa.
Being Dependent on Him Becomes Prominent
You start building your whole life around him forgetting you had a life before him as well. You call him for every bit of your problems and doing anything without him would make you feel anxious.
The Spy in You Takes Over
There could be times and incidents in his life where you might not be part of.., but not knowing the little details about him would make you paranoid about him cheating on you. Then you would constantly ask him questions and in spite of him telling you the truth, you won’t believe him.
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Insecurity Integrates Your Relation
Every person has a different personality, some are silent some are humorous but being amusing doesn’t mean u aren’t serious. But that’s where you become uncomfortable and insecure and that’s the signs of clingy girlfriend again. Your mind would bear the fear of not being his only priority and that would make you agitated about losing your relation.
Jealousy Penetrates
Every individual has his own personal life and so does your partner. So basically you get jealous of him when he makes plans without you to enjoy with his friends. Your jealousy would lead to constant quarreling between the two of you and he would not understand how to deal with it.
You become Possessive
Every woman gets possessive about her man who is healthy in a relationship but becoming over-possessive becomes a bane to it then. You start behaving like he is your property and no one should even look at him
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His Love Seems Inadequate to You
There is always a buildup thought in mind that his feelings are not enough for you and that makes you validate it time and again. Even if he says I love you 100 times a day, that is still not enough and you have that constant thought in mind of doubt in regards to his true and honest feelings for you. If that’s what your mind toggles about then it’s a sign of clingy Girlfriend.
Being too Available and Keeping Everything Aside for Him
Now, this is something quite important because this not only affects him but would have an adverse effect on you as well. Now being always available for him will make him take you for granted. This will also create an impression that no matter what happens; she will make time out for me and hence could make plans according to his comfort.
His Social Media Checks Become Routine Tasks
These days’ social media accounts have become a major source to stalk someone and gather information thereafter creating your statistics accordingly. His image with the comments on it becomes the honeypot for you and you start analyzing it.
So above are the 10 signs of a clingy girlfriend. It is said that being clingy comes with some negative undercurrent hence it has a very fine line between a loving girlfriend and a clingy one. As a partner, You may be accused of being a parasite or indigent whereas your intentions might be entirely good and upright but that’s what clinginess is all about when it comes to relationships.