Not speaking properly may leave the other person in assumptions. It may also negatively impact your relationship. Therefore, one should learn how to communicate better in a relationship.
Relationship and dating expert, Dr. Michele Kerulis says “Without any doubt, communication is the most important skill to have in a relationship”. The doctor also points out that communication allows us to voice our basic needs to others.
It is the little thing that makes huge differences. In every relationship, it is common to disagree and fight over something.
However, you must never forget to be compassionate to save your relationship through communication. Because it is important that we feel free to communicate and present our views properly.
Find out the most effective and helpful ways to improve communication in relationships.
10 Ways to Improve Communication in a Relationship

If you have googled “how to improve communication in a relationship”, surely you are trying to have better communication in relationships. It also indicates that you care about the next person and want to fix things.
To communicate better in a relationship, one must never forget to check on the other person frequently. You should talk about your good or bad moods, respond properly, and appreciate little things in a relationship. Talking about your sexual fantasies also brings a spark to your relationship.
Let’s discover how to communicate better in a relationship with these 10 amazing tips:
1. Check on Them Daily
Simple questions like How are you? How was your day? Are you okay? helps you to keep in touch with your partner. It will also help you to have better communication in relationships.
Asking such questions randomly throughout the day helps you know the whereabouts of your partner. This may also get you a topic to talk about more.
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2. Not Assuming Anything
The assumption is the first thing that we do as a reaction. However, assumptions most of the time lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Therefore, it is better to reach out, rather than to assume anything.
Assuming things will keep you frustrated, while opening up will liberate you. So, if you are eager to know how to communicate better in a relationship, make sure you don’t unnecessarily assume.
3. “Listen” to Be a Great Communicator
Communication does not mean only being verbal; it also includes active listening and engaging in the conversation.
Try listening to what your partner says rather than getting defensive without understanding the partner’s point of view. At times, we intentionally take things that are not even meant. You must understand more than you speak.
4. Don’t Make Little Comments
If you are having any grudges or you are angry about something, try speaking out to your partner. Keeping things with you is immature and they will slowly corrode your relationship.
To know how to communicate better in a relationship, one should choose to communicate effectively and reach a conclusion together.
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5. Do Not Forget to Have Regular Relationship Check-ins
Not only the regular stuff, but you should also talk to your partner about the big stuff too. It includes a conversation about feelings for each other and giving space to each other.
Furthermore, thinking of big changes like moving in, getting engaged, or going on a holiday should be on the list. It is important to give you both platforms for concerns.
6. Believe that Things Can Change
Part of having a conversation and communicating with a positive attitude must include that anything is possible. Try solving problems like there is always a way out.
If you are properly motivated then you can solve things. Being realistic is important because dumping your expectations on your partner can be toxic.
7. Respond Properly
It is very common for couples to seek their partner’s attention throughout the day. You must respond to such attention. This attention might be to support you, conversate with you, or be interested in you.
In addition, be open about feelings when the other partner thinks you guys are not connected. Whether you’re talking about your day or trying to discuss big issues, recognize that your partner is trying to reach out.
8. Talk About Things Before They Happen
If you feel that it’s very stressful and you want to tell your partner then tell it. If you are stressed about something, speak up to your partner so that they don’t get stressed looking at you being stressed. This is how you communicate better in a relationship when you are open about your bad moods too.
9. Appreciate the Little Things
A great way to build intimacy with your partner is to express gratitude for small things. This may be the most minor thing that will make their day.
A simple ” good morning beautiful” or ” Good morning handsome” can light up your partner’s day. You have to keep the spark in your relationship and keep improving communication skills in relationships.
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10. Discuss Your Sexual Fantasies
Being able to talk about sex openly is a good thing. Kelly McDonnell-Arnold says that in her experiences partners who openly talk about their fantasies tend to have good communication, solid trust, and more excitement which leads to great sex and nourishing relationships.
The Bottom Line
Communication does not have to be serious all the time. You need to understand that things keep on changing so it’s better that you keep up the way and light the spark in your relationship the way it was in the beginning.
You never know when your small gestures could lead to an unpredictable stroll so don’t lose that first flirty feeling. Hopefully, you have understood how to communicate better in a relationship.