We often see the labeling of certain attributes as masculine and feminine energy in our daily lives. What transforms that mindset is the realization that this concept about sexuality is not right and that we all have a plethora of, sometimes dynamic, configurations of both.
In essence, irrespective of the natural gender, we have a balance of masculine and feminine energy that we require in our everyday lives—doing and gaining described masculine energy, shaped by logic and common sense. The feminine is more sensitive, more open to accepting and letting, and is defined by being.
This energy has always been surging inside of you. However, it is too simple to ignore to recognize and accept both. Whenever one force grows prominent, life gets out of balance. Therefore, we must balance our masculine and feminine energies.
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Divine Masculine and Feminine Energy
Each of these cosmic forces is present in everyone at birth. They do not have an intrinsic gender, yet humanity identifies Yin with the feminine. Yang is masculine.
Masculine is frequently regarded as negative, whereas feminine is regarded as positive. It doesn’t seem right there is no such thing as positive or negative here. Both energies comprise the very core of who you are for a purpose.
Traits of Feminine Energy
Feminine energy is often soft, calm, nicer, caring, sensitive, and loving. By embracing the feminine, you cultivate attributes such as empathy, imagination, kindness, and tolerance.
This energy has a welcoming and open vibe about it. It’s quick and energizing. Feminine energy encompasses all of the caring characteristics required to link with humans in a deep and gratifying way.

It’s gentle, sensitive, empathic, and tolerant. It would help if you trust your gut and are creative. Nature represents it and includes receiving. Everyone possesses this feminine and masculine energy as humans.
Traits of Masculine Energy
We employ adjectives like self-assured, achievement, determined, watchful, and generous to define masculine energy and nouns like a warrior, winner, alpha, and parent. When women show masculine energy, we call it masculine female energy.
There is also an area called the divine masculine and feminine, which explains this from another perspective.
Both masculine and feminine energy is essential, and none of them is superior. And each is irresistibly pulled to the other. There is nothing such as masculine v female energy; both are essential.
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Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy

The fact is that masculine energy is incomplete in the absence of feminine energy. It is similar to the case of feminine energy also; both these energies depend on one another. An individual will not feel cherished, nourished, or respected if masculine energy is overpowering. You will be exhausted, pressured, overworked, and neglected. Moreover, it doesn’t help while society rewards a male, ego-driven style of being.
We all have masculine and feminine energy, irrespective of gender. People associate masculinity with reason, organization, and order. This category contains attitudes like rigor, restraint, and discipline. In addition, masculinity is an essential attribute because it promotes the development of a healthy self, economic security, home, shelter, and organization.
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I prefer to see our manly element as a massive, nicely designed glass jar. Too much container causes hardening or stiffness and a loss of flow. Muscle tightness, digestive issues, carrying grudges, and unjustified rage are all symptoms.

Now, let’s discuss what we need to understand about balancing masculine and feminine energy. Below are some tips on how to balance masculine and feminine energy.
- Embrace the Nature
Nature goes much more slowly and steadily than the hurried and frenetic modern existence. It is the epitome of a completing balance, and spending time outdoors allows our brains and bodies to re-adjust to the natural cycles of existence. Find a field or go on a trek and enjoy the noises, scents, and views. Absorb in the profoundness and constancy of trees. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Bring plants or flowers into your home or office and take regular *pauses* to admire their charm and great energy.
- Enter into a Relationship
The relationship is the biggest mentor had to submit and essentially demolish my prior identity to participate in it truly. Being with someone has taught me more about each other, my habits, worries, and wants than being alone. We are hardwired to connect with others, and others function as mirrors.
- Travel
Travel pulls us away from our habits and our brains. Be impulsive. I don’t recommend going on a planned trip for this activity. Travel somewhere you’ve never seen before, and don’t book a hotel. Stay at an Airbnb or with a local person. Consume the native cuisine. Go out and meet new people. When you’re in a new environment, listen to your instincts.
- Smile
Smiling is often regarded as the ultimate kind of meditation. It unlocks your soul, the gut is full of air, and the energy system is completely cleansed. Laughter softens us, allowing us to become much more aware and, as a result, responsive.
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- Daily Meditation
Include a few minutes of meditation in your routine. Allow your brain to rest as you make time to reconnect with your soul, natural being, and intuition. This exercise cultivates balance and mental clarity by working directly with the right and left sides of the body and brain. It aids in the clearing of clogged energy channels in the body.
To Conclude
Our life is always in transition. Change is the only constant you can rely on. With this in mind, embrace each minute of harmony as it comes. You may need to concentrate on the feminine side of your body and the masculine side. Each work needs a different instrument; try to balance your masculine and feminine energy to make your life stress free and fulfilling.
Find what Sadhguru has to say about balancing masculine and feminine energy.