Exposure to the sun is often generalized to be a potential threat to the human body. On the contrary, studies suggest that there are benefits of sunlight to the human body provided that the timing and the timeframe of exposure are right. It is well-known that sunlight is important to humans in many ways and has many benefits as well. So here, in this article, ten of those many benefits of sunlight humans are discussed. Let’s read ahead!
List of Benefits of Sunlight

1. Control High Blood Pressure
Exposure to the sun helps lower blood pressure as sunlight helps let out a specific compound in the bloodstream that is responsible for lowering blood pressure.
2. Build Healthy Bones
Exposure to the sun has an important part to help the body enhance the generation of Vitamin D. This consequently helps for the toughness and density of the bones.
3. Keep Your Brain Young
Not only does Vitamin D help to strengthen the bones but it also improves the functioning of the brain. These functions include a better memory.
4. Ease Depression
People who are generally indoors, such as for work or who have a desk job generally do not get to face the sun which may lead to a form of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD.
5. Improve Sleep Score
Human eyes, when coming in direct contact with the sun, tell the brain to stop producing melatonin so that a person stays active and is not drowsy during the day and this improves the quality of sleep at night.
6. Reduce Alzheimer’s Symptoms
Patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Syndrome and who face the sunlight all day long have shown better results in mental exams.
7. Heal Skin Disorder
Exposure to sunlight helps the body recover from and cure certain skin diseases such as acne, pimples, eczema, types of fungal and bacterial infections, etc.
8. Improve Growth on Infants and Kids
Exposure to sunlight helps boost growth in infants and also directly affects the final height the child would ultimately attain.
9. Boost Immune System
One of the many benefits of sunlight and exposure to the sun includes getting a grip on the hyperactive immune system. The WBC count in the body is high when the human body is exposed to the sunlight and this helps the body defend itself from foreign bodies. Therefore, it improves the immune system and immunity.
10. Effects on Cancers and Risks Involved
A healthy diet and being in the sun for some time might help in controlling breast cancer. The importance of sunlight to humans is to such an extent that Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of having breast, colon, and other types of cancers.
There is not one but many benefits of sunlight but it still tops the list of causes for skin cancer. So overexposure to the sunlight might prove hazardous too. Therefore, the time spent in the sun is the most important factor to be kept in mind, when soaking the sun. However, you should also consider the skin color when you go under the sun as people with fair or pale skin are at a higher risk of getting burns and skin cancer.