Diet and Exercise have influenced the lifestyle of people around the globe. Recently the green tea consumption has increased multi-folds among the youth and adult population. Most women prefer green tea along with Exercise owing to its various physiological benefits without knowing the side effects of green tea.
As is well known, green tea helps in weight loss, improves metabolism, and acts as an active antioxidant. Still, there are several risk factors associated with green tea consumption. Obtained from Camellia Sinensis Plant, Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks, but it has many loopholes associated with its benefits.
List of Side Effects of Green Tea Consumption

1. Green Tea has Become One of the Known Causes of Insomnia and Anxiety
Green Tea has a significant amount of Caffeine in it, which acts as an active nervous stimulant for your brain. It is known to reduce sleep quality and ultimately leave you tired, stressed out, and irritated. Other than that, depression has been linked with increased consumption of green tea more than normal average levels.
2. Green Tea has a Diuretic Effect
Caffeine in green tea has a diuretic effect, which leads to frequent urination and excretion of fluids from the body. Although the diuretic impact proves to be effective in weight loss or purification of the body, it can also cause severe dehydration and other health problems.
3. Reduced Calcium Absorption
Green Tea can significantly reduce bone strength by decreasing bone density due to decreased calcium absorption. The decreased absorption can induce bone weakness and bone deformities in one’s body. Therefore, the risk of contracting a bone injury or fracture is more.
4. Green Tea Causes Iron Deficiencies in the Body
Anemia is amongst the top risk factors associated with green tea consumption. A higher concentration of antioxidants reduces iron absorption in the body, which leads to anemia conditions in the individual. Anemia results due to prolonged and excessive consumption of green tea in the long run. It is better to consume citrus fruits and lemon with tea since vitamin C enhances iron absorption in the body.
5. Birth Defects and Contraindications during Pregnancy
Doctors and Physicians recommend the minimal consumption of green tea, especially during pregnancy. The concentration of Caffeine and other chemicals can cause many congenital disabilities in newborns and leads to several risks during pregnancy. Also, breastfeeding mothers should consume a low intake of green tea since Caffeine can pass through the mother’s milk. Other serious problems associated with green tea’s extreme consumption include increased contractions, contraception, birth abnormalities, etc.
6. Green Tea can Cause Constipation and Several Stomach Problems
Facing an upset stomach? Well, green tea consumption could be the cause. Polyphenols and Tannins can elevate the stomach’s acid levels, corrode the mucous lining, and cause several digestive problems. It can also lead to constipation and an upset stomach.
7. Liver Damage is Significant in the Case of Excessive Caffeine Consumption
Liver damage is another risk factor related to green tea consumption. When consuming green tea in excess may lead to several liver problems, which hinder the body’s overall functioning. Swelling or damage of the liver brought by green tea intake can ultimately disturb the body’s metabolism. This is among the most common side effects of green tea.
8. Increase in the Caffeine Dependence in the Body
Caffeine has highly addictive properties, which causes repeat usage and dependence on the drug. A person who regularly consumes green tea in higher amounts gets addicted to the dosage as the tolerance of receptors towards the concentration increases. This also leads to increased dependence and severe withdrawal syndromes.
9. Green Tea Acts as a Contraindication for Different Medications and Conditions
Although green tea helps you feel awake and energized, the nervous stimulant can interfere with your daily medication routine and metabolism. The caffeine present in green tea can significantly interfere with or inhibit the mechanism of drugs like antibiotics, anesthetics, birth control pills, etc. Some common medicines are enoxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Cimetidine, etc.
10. Low Potassium Levels are Incident in Regular Green Tea Consumers
Reduced potassium levels in the blood characterize regular and increased consumption of green tea. The reduction in blood potassium levels can cause muscle weakness and hinder the body’s neuromuscular mechanism. Other than that, low potassium levels also act as an anti-blood-clotting factor since it does not fulfill the requirement of potassium.
We consider green Tea as a healthy and safe drink to consume but has many adverse effects. Therefore it is crucial to consume it in a regulated amount at low concentration levels. This way you can avoid the side effects of green tea. It is essential to go through detox days and limit your intake up to two cups a day.