Holding grudges in relationships? Well don’t be harsh on yourself.
Relationships are one of the most important aspect in an individual’s life. A relationship is something that is made with someone unintentionally and it starts from the day we born, first with our parents, siblings, family, friends, partners, and many more. And all these attachments are made to have a pure and unselfish heart.
It is impossible and unavoidable to have a relationship without having any emotional pain. So, if you are holding grudges in relationships, you need to understand how to resolve these problems and not hold any grudges.
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Why holding grudges in relationships are toxic and harmful?
Holding grudges and keeping the grudge going needs a lot of energy and most of us don’t know what will be the consequences for holding any. Holding grudges in relationships is one of the factors why an individual suffers from anxiety and depression. Having grudges doesn’t mean that this will harm the other person instead it will harm you.
According to a study, researchers found that holding grudges also leads an individual to physical pain. Like for example if you have a headache then the pain will be even worse if you hold any grudges. Having conflicts in relationships is common and healthy too but how do you react to that is very important. Either you hold grudges or let it go and resolve it. Communicating, listening, expressing views can help you in resolving all your conflicts.
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What will happen if you hold any grudges?

- Starts losing trust and interest in a relationship.
- Develops stress, anxiety, depression.
- Stops enjoying your life.
- Gets angry and unhappy in every point of life.
Act of forgiveness
It seems that forgiving is for the other person in a relationship but in actual sense, it’s for you because holding grudges in a relationship leads you to live unhappily, develop anxiety and depression. Forgiving doesn’t mean that you are a week or something, but it is a decision by you to move on, let it go, and be happy in life.
What you can do if the other person is holding grudges in relationship?
- So the very first thing you can do when you see the other one is holding grudges is you can simply apologize to them, if it is your fault then you must do it and if not then you should understand the feelings of the other person through communication and listening to the problems about what they feel like.
- The second most important thing is to ask the other person about what you can do to make things better between them. Having good intentions and interest in sorting things out is all that you need.
- After all this, you need to give the other person some space and time to rethink the situation. Sometimes pressurizing disturbs the mindset of the other person.
- If nothing goes right that you must know that this is the time when you must let go of the relationship. Sometimes letting go will help you to heal from everything.
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Relationships are a wonderful thing you experience in your life. You should not let it go in vain. If you are holding grudges in relationships, talk to the person, move on, and live happily.