Every woman has facial hair. Some are mere skin color fine hairs that are not very visible unless you are in sunlight, where it does shine on your cheeks and upper or lower lips. Whereas for other women, there is terminal hair growth that they have to deal with. Terminal hair and black in color and darker and thicker ones. These days, due to an unbalanced sleep cycle, irregular food patterns have started creating imbalance and hormonal issues for women, leading to an increase in dark facial hair growth. Women with PCOS problems also encounter hair growth on the face. Shaving the face is one of the techniques which has been in use since older times and is still in use as it not only shaves the hair but helps in keeping the skin clean and fresh. Let us check the pros and cons of shaving your face as a woman.
Advantages of Shaving

1. Self Confidence
The first and best benefit it gives to women is self-confidence and motivation to stand sky high. Self-grooming is one of the essential elements for every human being,
2. Smooth Skin
One of the significant advantages of shaving is that it gives you smooth and softer skin. Smooth skin is utterly crucial as shaving removes oily and dead skin; therefore, it becomes smoother in touch.
3. Helps in Exfoliation
Shaving the face removes hair and cleans the face from excess oil on the face and exterior. Not all, but some skin types are oily or T oily, which leaves the extra oil lying on the corners of the face, like around the nose or ends of the cheeks.
4. Helps the Skin Breather
As the face gets cleaned, the pores get breathier and fresher. This process should be done regularly as there are many pollutants in the air, preventing our skin from breathing and staying fresh.
5. Even Tone of Skin
With hair on the face, it makes your skin tone darker on some sides; therefore, shaving gives you an even tone on the skin.
Disadvantages of Shaving

1. Frequent Checks
If you shave your terminal hair, then, in that case, you will have to keep a close check as the hair might grow again soon; hence the shave needs to be done on a regular basis.
2. Ingrown Hair in Skin
As vellus hair is softer hence does create any issue. Although the terminal hairs are harder thereby shaving them might give skin bumps on the face and ingrown hair bumps.
3. Cuts on Skin
As we are aware, shaving uses the blades, thereby making it risky for the cuts to take place on the face, which could damage the skin, which could turn into disadvantages of shaving.
4. Itchy Skin
Frequent shaving could make the skin dry and therefore lead to itchiness. This might leave some patches making the skin look shadowy.
Looking beautiful is not essential, but being groomed is, may it be in any kind of profession everyone looks up to a woman looks and how well she looks and is dressed up. Hopefully, you are now aware of the pros and cons of shaving your face as a woman.