Many women have cramps before and throughout their menstrual cycle. Some individuals simply get slight cramps, but this isn’t the case for everyone. Thus, knowing how to get rid of period cramps becomes essential.
Period cramps may be very painful at times, impairing your ability to go about your normal activities. There are actions you may do to regain control of your monthly cycle if period discomfort is getting in the way.
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To help you get back on track with your hectic schedule or in case you are wondering how to stop period cramps (dysmenorrhea), here are a few effective home treatments for you.
How to Reduce Period Cramps?

1. Use a Heat Patch
It is possible to relax the muscles of your uterus by applying a warm patch or wrap to your abdomen. The causes of menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) are the spasms in these muscles. Heating your belly may also improve blood flow, which can help alleviate discomfort.
Heating pads may be more efficient than acetaminophen in relieving period cramps, according to studies (Tylenol). Abdominal heat patches may be purchased online or at any pharmacy.
To use, just peel and attach the strips to your abdomen. You can use electric heating pads and hot water bottles at home if you don’t need to walk around much, but they’re not as practical as patches.
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2. Essential Oils to Massage Your Stomach
If you’re suffering from cramps during your period, several essential oils may be able to alleviate the pain by massaging them into your belly. You must first combine the essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil before utilizing them. Using a carrier oil helps to disperse the essential oil evenly across a larger surface area.
Before using essential oils on your skin, be sure to do a patch test to rule out any possible allergies. Rub a few drops of your oil mixture between your palms before massaging your stomach gently in a circular motion.
3. Take an Analgesic to Ease the Discomfort
Period cramps and other period-related discomforts may be alleviated with OTC pain medications. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are the best.
When you take anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or ibuprofen-like medications, you’re not only reducing pain, but you’re also decreasing the production of prostaglandins in your body and reducing their effects.
At the earliest hint of cramps or discomfort, these drugs are most effective. If you have a history of heart, liver, or kidney disease, or if you suffer from asthma, ulcers, or bleeding disorders, you should see your doctor before using this medication.
4. Exercise
There is evidence that low-to-medium intensity aerobic exercise may help alleviate the discomfort produced by period cramps.
Back pain during periods and cramps were shown to be significantly reduced in women who engaged in 30 minutes of aerobic activity three times a week for eight weeks.
Consider bicycling to work, going for a brisk walk at lunchtime, dancing to your favorite music, or participating in a sport you like to integrate an aerobic exercise into your daily routine.
5. Practice Yoga
According to recent research, yoga may help alleviate period cramps in the same way that aerobic activity does. Experts observed that women who took a 60-minute yoga session once a week for 12 weeks had substantial decreases in their period discomfort.
Find a yoga class that has both a physical and a spiritual component. Research also claims that period cramps may be relieved most effectively with this combination.
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6. Take Vitamins and Other Supplements
Many studies have shown that several kinds of nutritional supplements may help alleviate pelvic pain during period cramps, although it isn’t clear how they operate.
According to a 2017 review of magnesium usage in gynecology, the mineral was shown to be much more efficient than placebos in controlled experiments for alleviating cramping.
Cinnamon, fennel, and ginger were all proven to alleviate period discomfort and severe menstrual cramps in a 2020 analysis of nine research. Cinnamon also seemed to reduce the length of time that people experienced discomfort. Other supplements that have been associated with decreased period cramps include calcium; vitamins B6, B1, E, and D and vitamin B12, and fish oil.
Make sure to follow the directions on the bottle, and if you’re taking any other drugs, check with your doctor to see whether they interact with supplements.
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7. Stay Hydrated
Abdominal cramps and lower back cramps may be more uncomfortable if you’re thirsty. Aim for a daily water intake of eight 8-ounce glasses. If it’s hot, if you’ve been exercising, or if you’re just thirsty, you’ll need extra water.
8. Consider Using Acupressure
Various forms of pain may be relieved with the use of a noninvasive technique called acupressure. It includes applying strong pressure to certain body regions with your fingertips in order to alleviate a variety of problems.
Period discomfort may be helped by acupressure, according to many researchers. Severe period pain on first day may be relieved by stroking circles on your leg just above your ankle, according to some earlier studies.
9. Contraception is an Option to Consider
Try talking to a healthcare expert about birth control pills if home cures don’t help ease your severe period cramps. A common use for birth control tablets is to alleviate the discomfort of menstruation. Other hormonal birth control treatments may also alleviate discomfort throughout the menstrual cycle.
10. Think about Cannabidiol
Using CBD for menstrual pain and cramps may be beneficial to some individuals. In the absence of randomized clinical trials, anecdotal accounts imply that CBD may reduce inflammation and chronic pain. Compared to physical self-management strategies like yoga and stretching, women with endometriosis ranked CBD oil and cannabis as the most effective cure for pain alleviation in a 2019 poll.
Bonus Tip: Try a New Position as You Sleep
Menstrual cramps before periods are said to be relieved most by sleeping in the fetal position, according to personal experience. Due to the position’s lack of weight on your abdomen or lower back cramps, this might be the reason for the discomfort. A lack of study on the link between period discomfort and your sleeping position does not imply that it is not worthwhile to experiment with.
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The Bottom Line
Period cramps are quite common, but they may become a major nuisance if they persist for an extended period of time. However, if you are worried about how to relieve period cramps, there are ways to alleviate the pain and suffering that these annoying cramps create. Be careful to see your doctor if the pain persists or becomes so severe that it interferes with your daily activities.