If you have an addiction to stalking your follower’s activity on Instagram you’re then going to lose that. Because Instagram is removing the Following tab from all the Instagram apps very soon. People call this Following tab a ‘creepy stalking tool’. Probably because it allows you to stalk the activity of your Instagram followers.
The Following tab plays a major role to reveal what your followers are up to. Whose pictures they are liking, whom they are following, and other activities that only appear in the Following tab.
READ: Facebook launched Instagram threads to stay connected with your close friends in a private space.
This feature also helps those who want to connect with people on Instagram through your activity. Ahem, checking up on your bae’s activity can be another reason to use the Following tab. Unfortunately, you’re going to lose that all.

The shocking fact about this news is that there is no official announcement on Google if Instagram is actually going to do that or not. Users got to know about this information from the thread on Reddit.
Instagram recently tested removing the following feature in the month of August. This triggered the Reddit Thread. A few Instagram users literally faced this issue where they found their Heart section with no Following tab. A lot of users ignored it thinking it was a bug that would be fixed.
Where is this stalking feature located in the app?
Instagram once even said that most of the users don’t even track the activity of their followers as they were not aware of this stalking feature. If you’re one of them let me clear where the feature is exactly located.
Once you launch the Instagram app, the first thing you see is obviously the Homepage. If you notice a few icons below you will find more options next to the homepage. There is a search option, an option to add the media, a heart icon to show activity, and your main profile page.

The Heart icon reveals not your own activity but your follower’s activity as well. Usually, when you tap on the Heart, it shows the activity that your followers made for you. But if you swipe right, it displays all the activities that have been made by your followers. At this place, you can know about what all accounts have been followed by your followers.
Since Instagram is going to remove this Following tab so you won’t be seeing this tab any longer. All it would show just your own Activity area.
However, most of us are not liking this change as this feature helps in several ways. For example, you can know about the celeb’s activity like whom they follow and like. Or, suppose your friend is not replying pretending they are busy meanwhile you can check up on them if they have been active on Instagram or not.
All in all the Following tab was useful for some whereas some of us probably never even checked anyone’s activity because who cares. Though Instagram just testing this change, it will take a couple of weeks to roll out to complete. Let’s see how it feels to others.