How many times a day you pick up your phone to scroll through Instagram? If you’re unable to count the number then my dear readers, you’re addicted to Instagram. And this is very habitual, right? There are times when you’re not supposed to touch your phone but suddenly a few minutes later “you’re caught up” notification shows up. Though Instagram is an addictive app as it has exciting features but scrolling miles on it is not healthy.
In terms of physical health, Instagram affects your mental health. Everyone on Instagram posts their best days, outfits, body and meals. It sets up an unrealistic expectation for you. Excessive stalking of someone’s “perfect” Instagram feed can make you depressed.
Luckily, this does not happen to everyone. Not all of us are on Instagram. This is pretty good news if you don’t scroll your Instagram as an addiction. But if you have an addiction and you’re not aware of this then you need to know some signs about it.
Here, I want to highlight 7 signs which show that you’re addicted to Instagram.
1. Pressure to take a “Perfect” Picture
Some of us take pictures to capture the moment that you’ll cherish. But, there are a few ones who take pictures only for Instagram (to show the world what the did today). The pressure of taking the perfect Instagram post is real.
If you’re addicted to Instagram, you’ll be clicking the “perfect” picture as a job. It will be something you would want to do. If maintaining your feed is stressing you out, there is a sign that you’re addicted to Instagram.
2. Food Photo-shoot

We all have that one friend who has to click a picture of every food item as soon as it gets on your table. Chances are they won’t let you eat until they don’t get a good picture of the food.
We Instagram generation takes a picture of food a lot. But, if you’re going out of your way to just click a picture is a trait of an Instagram addict.
3. Not “Enough” Likes
When you actually stress about the fact that your recent post didn’t get enough likes is troublesome. There was a time when we all posted on Instagram just for fun. There was no pressure of maintaining a feed or maintaining the like count. But now, If you do not feel okay with the fact that not all post will get the same amount of likes, you’re probably addicted to Instagram.
4. Scrolling even when you’re busy

If you can’t get through a task without scrolling through Instagram is a clear sign of addiction. For example, you’re chilling with your friend and having a fun conversation and while sitting with a group you’re still scrolling to Instagram. Ignoring your real friend to keep up with the virtual ones is heart-breaking. It’s not that you want to do it, you feel like you have to do it.
5. Follow for Follow
When you follow your old friend from your school and he/she doesn’t follow you back does that makes you angry or embarrassed for real? If it does, you’re an Instagram addict.
Your virtual world shouldn’t affect your real world. It is called the virtual world for a reason, it’s all online. If your friend didn’t like your picture that doesn’t mean they don’t like you.
6. Just for the “Gram”

When you start posing, dressing, and going out just for Instagram that’s when you’re a full-blown addict. When you go to an extreme and start faking your weekend getaways just to show your followers how happening your life is.
It is not good for your mental health when you start seeking validation virtually. Validation should come from within yourself. Doing it for “gram” can only do so much for your mood but, for a long time, this behaviour is unhealthy and toxic for your mental health.
7. Instagram down. You’re down.
Like any other app or website, Instagram also goes down sometimes. If you don’t even notice when it happens you’re doing great. But, if you start panicking that your account has trouble and start researching about it, well that’s a problem. Trying to delete and re-installing the app, asking your friend if their Instagram is down as well. If you can’t go a few minutes without scrolling through Instagram, you’re definitely addicted to Instagram.
Do not take me wrong, I know Instagram Influencer is a full-blown job where you have to post constantly. Well, that’s a different field altogether. If you don’t own any business or an influencer on Instagram then you need to keep a check on your patterns.