The human brain is the central controller of the body. It is an extremely powerful and intelligent organ. The study of human behavior reveals a lot. Moreover, no one can understand psychological facts about human behavior without studying how the brain affects your personality.
There has been a lot of research on human behavior, but the research has not been completed to this date yet.
Understanding what a brain does and why it does so is a highly complex matter. We hold only a minimal understanding of the conscious and subconscious parts of the brain.
Luckily, with extensive human behavior analysis and study of human behavior, we know many facts today.
Study of Human Behavior

Let’s start off by listing a few practical life scenarios that will help us understand the importance of the study of human behavior. Consider the following scenarios:
- A team of unmotivated partners is struggling to keep up the momentum. What is the reason?
- A former convict is trying to start a new life, but something in his mind is not allowing him to do so. Why?
- A majority of teens are starting to develop destructive behavior. Why? What should be done?
These were just a few practical scenarios where a specialist will be required to present a helpful solution with general knowledge of the study of human behavior.
With a professional doing human behavior analysis of these people, we will know what distracts them from normal disciplined behavior.
There is something that triggers people’s psychology because of which they act or behave differently or accordingly.
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With people spending their lives studying human behavior theory, they discover and debunk many related facts.
There is a big ocean full of an exhaustive list of facts about psychology. To keep it simple, let’s look at a few interesting psychological facts about human behavior.
Psychological Facts About Human Behavior

We Don’t Act as We Thought
When we think of an upcoming event, we plan how to handle it. One peculiar behavior is that we also persuade ourselves that the event will occur as we thought. But in reality, neither that event goes as thought, nor do we handle it as we planned.
We Cannot Concentrate for Extended Periods
We tend to think we can focus on something for hours without losing efficiency. For instance, students decide to study chapters upon chapters just a few days before the exam because they think they can sit and keep learning.
But the human brain can only focus on a thing for 10 to 45 minutes, depending on the person. After that, boredom, feeling of restlessness, and lethargy are what you get.
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You Cannot Multitask
One of the most mesmerizing psychological facts about human behavior is related to multitasking. You may have read in the job descriptions that you must be able to multitask.
However, research has shown the opposite. We perceive that we can multitask. But in reality, there is no correlation with the actual ability. Multitasking is a misnomer because the human brain does not have the architecture to perform tasks concurrently.
Humans do not have the required cognitive and neural abilities. What we do is actually task-switching. We stop one task, move to another, and then return to the previous one.
Your Subconscious Mind Makes the Decisions
Many myths will be debunked when discussing psychological facts about human behavior. Like the myth of multitasking, we believe our conscious mind makes decisions.
A research study debunked the said myth. Most decisions are made in our subconscious mind, but the credit falsely goes to the conscious mind. We can understand it with an analogy of a ghostwriter. The ghostwriter does all the work, but the publishers take all the credit.
Your Brain Keeps Working While You Sleep
You may have heard practice makes you perfect. Well, the research adds a new dimension to it. It is sleep and practice that makes you perfect. When we perform any training or learning-related task, our brain works on it when we are asleep.
According to Matthew Walker, professor of psychology and neuroscience, our brain repeats the processes we performed in the day. This is what makes you more efficient in your skills.
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Helping Someone Will Make You Happier
Being social creatures, our brain feels happier when we help someone or spend money on them. After extensive study of human behavior, researchers have gathered much evidence.
The sense of happiness is felt because of the release of oxytocin, a hormone that elevates your mood. The findings of a study concluded that there is neural evidence supporting the claim that generosity and happiness are linked.
You Always Love the Food Prepared by Someone Else
Do you know how to cook? If yes, chances are you still love food made by others more. One of the psychological facts about human behavior is they tend to lose appeal when they cook for themselves. Even if the food they eat made by someone is not entirely hygienic, we always find that more delicious.
You Don’t Remember When Access to Information is Easy
One of the psychological facts about human behavior is oriented toward remembering or learning. Have you ever noticed that you do not learn much and remember much when you get the results quickly?
For instance, imagine someone who is supposed to solve a mathematical equation. There are two solutions. The easy one is to seek answers from friends, colleagues, or on the internet and be done with the work. The second is to brainstorm the solution and put your mind in pain for thinking of a solution.
The hard truth is you won’t remember the solution if you choose the easy path because your brain did not process the information thoroughly.
Last Words on the Study of Human Behavior
To know how psychology plays a role in our lives, we need to study two things, evolution and human behavior. For years, scientists have studied the psychology of people. With their dedicated effort, we know much about the study of human behavior and psychological facts about human behavior today.