Detaching yourself from someone after a disastrous breakup is not easy. The residual feelings for your partner who is no longer with you make your heart heavy every day. Some of you might be willing to stay and fix your relationship. But do you wonder how to reconcile a relationship after a breakup?
Reconciling the relationship after seperation may be difficult especially when there is no hope from your partner’s side. However, trying for once won’t put you in regret after years. If you and your ex are willing to make it work, everything will be possible. Make sure you approach your partner before they move on after a breakup. Read on to find out how to reconcile a relationship you have separated from.

How to Rekindle a Relationship with an Ex?
Once you end your relationship, you may realize that the reason for the breakup is not strong. Third-party often becomes the reason for someone’s breakup. However, if you love your partner wholeheartedly and want to restore your broken relationship, first you need to analyze why it all has happened.
Furthermore, try to recognize the wrongdoings, apologize if needed, and communicate well. Give time to your relationship and embrace the changes.
Keep in mind, if your partner created a scene to end this connection, there is no point to contribute solely. The relationship can only be restored if you and your partner love genuinely and make equal efforts to be united. Thus, you have to ensure that your partner thinks the same.
Those who want some tips to reunite with their ex-partner, check out the following ideas to find out how to reconcile a relationship.
1. Ensure Both of You Want Reconciliation
Thinking of getting back with your ex won’t be a successful idea if you both are not on the same page. For instance, you want to reignite your relationship and the other one is not even looking back, this won’t be a great idea though.
Therefore, it is important to make sure that you both want to be together. In addition, you both need to invest time and put effort to make your connection work again.
2. Talking Helps a Lot
When your relationship is on the verge of separation or has ended already, a healthy talk is necessary. In some cases, talking to your partner can automatically save your relationship from separation.
If you are in No Contact Rule mode, speak to your partner, make them comfortable, and ask them if something bothers them at the personal level or in a relationship. When they put all the things on your table, you will be able to understand how these things can be resolved.
3. Understand the Reason for Breakup
No relationship can be ended without any reason. There must be a solid reason for your separation. Hence, it is important to analyze why you both individuals got separated. Some relationships end due to misunderstanding, anger, or third-party situations.
Once you determine the breakup reason, it becomes easy to get a deeper understanding of major issues. Thereafter, you can work accordingly to strengthen your relationship.
4. Take Things at Slow Pace
One has to keep an important thing in mind that the relationship will not be restored overnight. Things take time and so are your broken relationships.
In most cases, people tend to lose interest in rebuilding the relationship when the other one does not reciprocate much. But, if you are sure about reconciliation, remember, you need to give some time to your partner. Probably, they are considering this connection while calculating the efforts you are putting in.
5. Keep It Real
Some people desperately want their partner back. This might even make them lie to their partner so they can give them another chance. However, this should not go this way.
If you really want to get along with your partner, reconcile your relationship for real. False promises might help for a while but won’t work for long. Rather, it would give another reason to your ex to stay in separation with you.
What If You Were Betrayed?
Not everyone’s reason is childish; some of them get separated due to betrayal. This not only loses the trust in your relationship but puts you in doubt about whether you should give another chance to your ex.
In such instances, rebuilding the trust in your relationship is not easy. Yet it can be tried if you both individuals are ready to make it work. All you have to do is be transparent with your partner so they don’t doubt your promises.
In a Nutshell
Regaining trust in a broken relationship can be difficult for some. But, if you really want to save your relationship, you must give it a chance. Don’t whine about small incidents that have taken place in your relationship before. Trust yourself and your partner while keeping a positive outlook.