There are many changes a human goes through during his entire life span. There are various ups and downs one has to face and pretty several heartbreaks. Emotions, feelings of crying are all part of life; what’s important is how you deal with it and come out of it. Crying is not the only reason for under-eye puffiness, but not getting adequate sleep or rest could also be one of them. It is essential to determine the cause for your under-eye puffiness so that you can try remedies to get rid of puffy eyes. There are times when due to high work stress, you sleep late yet do not get a night of proper peaceful sleep. As a result, you find yourself with red or puffy eyes. Now the problem occurs when you have to attend a party or go to a meeting, therefore, the question arises how to get rid of puffy eyes instantly?
Hence, we are going to provide you some tips that can be performed at home using natural ways. Check out the following list and say bye-bye to puffy eyes.
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4 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

1. Cold Ice Compress
When you have a puffy morning, simply wash a clean, soft cloth and wet it in ice-cold water. After that, make yourself comfortable, and start dabbing this cloth slowly under your puffy eyes with gentle pressure for it to settle down. Continue this process for at least 5-7 mins and then remove the fabric.
2. Cucumber Slices
Since cucumber is considered as one of the cooling vegetables as its water content is very high. Therefore, cucumbers are preferred a lot in the summers. Likewise, when you have puffy eyes, just cut a few slices of cucumber and apply it under your eyes and leave it for 20 mins. This will reduce the swelling of your eyes as it hydrates the skin very well.
3. Tea Bags Therapy
Teabags are also considered a common one to be used for treating swollen eyes. As the main ingredients in tea bags which are caffeine and tannins, act as a natural remedy. As caffeine is an extreme kind of antioxidant and releases blood circulation, whereas, on the other hand, tannins act as an astringent which contracts the body tissue, thereby making the swollen skin shrink.
4. Massage
If you have aloe vera gel preferably or a hydrating lotion can be used to massage the eye. Apply some gel around the eye, and with clean hands, start gently patting around the eye. Make sure you do not put high pressure on the affected area. The massage could be done either using your hands or if you have an eye-roller. Simply massage in a circular manner for 5-10 mins for effective results.
If you regularly determine the puffiness, then it’s better to consult a doctor, but if not, make sure before you sleep, you have a quick to-do massage session for yourself. That would not take more than 2-3 minutes of yours but will help you in the long run. In situations where you do not have much time and wondering how to get rid of puffy eyes, then you can go for the above-given remedies to get rid of puffy eyes instantly.
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