Be it attending the biggest event in your place or a get-together with your old friends, there is always a question as to what to wear. For a man, a quality suit, shirt, cufflinks, and shoes are the things that enhance his looks. While it is quite confusing to decide how to dress well. There are a few things to know about it that can give you a better idea of how to dress like a gentleman. This is what we will be discussing in further detail. Let us now look at a few such tips that will instantly make a man look more attractive and handsome.
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1. A Good Shirt

While there are many aspects to looking handsome and attractive, shirts either enhance your looks or make you look silly. So getting quality shirts is very important if you really want to get the eye of that corner girl on you. While choosing a shirt remember to try it on and you should feel that it is an artwork designed only for you. Also, note that you don’t keep rolling your sleeves frequently. Learn ways to roll your shirt sleeves in such a way that they don’t roll out unless you do it.
2. A Tie

How to dress like a gentleman? Well, a smart tie can add more charm to your personality. If you want to look bold and gentle at the same time, having a beautiful tie can help you achieve that look. The way you tie a tie is much more important. Try to tie your tie in as many different and difficult ways as possible. This shows that you are a creative person and also that you have a lot of patience as it takes a lot of patience to tie such tricky-looking ties.
3. Right Length of the Trousers

It is very important that you choose the right trousers for you. It is the fall that gives the right look and for that, you need to choose the right length trousers. It’s very easy. Just try out a trouser when your shoes are on and see that your trouser covers the back of your shoes, not anything above that level and not anything below that level. There you have your right-length trousers with the right fall.
4. Matching Shoes with the Dress

Matching your shoes with your dress matters a lot. So, make sure you get a good number of shoes to suit your dresses. This may sound silly but shining shoes indicate professionalism and give you a gentlemanly look. So make sure you wear only polished and shining shoes.
5. A Watch

While it is best to keep accessories to a minimum, a watch is definitely something that shows class. Get a good watch that shows craftsmanship. Though nowadays, digital watches are common, go for an analog watch which may help you stand out in a crowd.
Final Words!
With all that said and done, style is not just about showing off. Your dressing should always be appropriate to the occasion you are going to. Do not always think that you need to spend a lot of money on dresses. If you educate yourself on how to dress like a gentleman, then you will figure out many ideas to look at even when you are on a budget dressing. Above all, maintaining the right body language is in itself a gentlemanly thing.