An abusive relationship will not necessarily be between partners only. There are many other relations where abuse is being a part of. Domestic abuse can be done with anyone and by anyone. It could be between husband and wife, in-laws, elderly people, and one of them is between parents and children. Being abusive is not based on gender, sexuality, caste or creed, but it’s the individual and their negative thought which turns out into their actions. There are even many sons and daughters who live with emotionally abusive parents.
A victim of emotional abuse can have many adverse effects on their growth and development and social and physical lives. To help yourself out from this emotionally abusive parents’ relationship, you should first recognize it and understand how to deal with emotionally abusive parents.
Ways to Recognize Emotionally Abusive Parents and Deal with Them

1. Learn the Difference Between a Mistake and an Abusive Nature
It is easier to recognize abuse when a stranger does it, but abuse from parents is difficult to recognize as it has many feelings attached to it. In this type of situation, if you as a victim do not realize it to be your parents’ abusive nature, you might end up taking those abusive words and actions to your mind and heart even if it is not your fault.
2. Stay and Calm and Maintain Distance
When you are emotionally abused in the house itself by your parents, it gets difficult to hold yourself up, but you have to keep reminding yourself that it is not your fault and no one deserves to be abused in any kind of manner. You might feel like crying, shouting out loud, and yelling, but that can worsen the situation; hence try to keep yourself calm. If you get angry, try to manage your anger in such situations.
3. Start Identifying the Abusive Patterns
If emotionally abusive parents have been a prolonged issue, there must be a set pattern. Once you start recognizing the pattern, you can find the solution to them. For example, if this is happening due to a drinking habit of your parents and after they drink, the abuse starts, then try to leave the room and go somewhere else or try not to argue at that point so that the situation can calm and these circumstances don’t occur again.
4. Try to Talk it Out
If you are emotionally abused by your parents, and you start keeping them to yourself, in that case, you might end up in a situation that will start affecting your physical and mental health. Abusive behavior from parents can make you feel frustrated and exhausted from within, and not taking it out will make you feel worthless about yourself, hence talk to your parents about it and let them know how this is all harming you from within.
5. Try Spending More Time with Yourself
The fact remains that the emotional abuse is happening at home, done by your parents, and you can’t leave the house and go, so instead, start spending more time with yourself doing things that you like to do. It could be anything like cooking, dancing, painting, drawing, or even listening to music, but anything that will keep you and your mind busy and engrossed that you don’t get much time to be part of it and also stay away from emotionally abusive parents.