It is rightly said that understanding a woman is very tough. However, women deal with a lot. It might be their periods, drama with their friends, stress, and much more. Women are known to throw tantrums occasionally. These tantrums include a lot of crying, aggressiveness, sometimes even screaming and throwing things. If a woman is in a relationship, she might show the same side to her partner. Hence, women generally get this tag of “Dramatic Girlfriend”.
In most cases, the tantrums are probably harmless and just a way to pass strong emotions. Yet for a carefree man, it becomes quite hard to handle women with their dramas. But, men we have got your back! Here, you will find a number of suggestions following which you can handle your dramatic girlfriend.
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5 Ways to Handle a Dramatic Girlfriend

1. Knowing Your Relationship Status
You need to assess what type of relationship you are going through. You have to determine what is your place in the relationship. If you are dating casually, you might think that you’re not close enough and committed, so you can choose not to be involved in the drama and working out. But on the other hand, if you are compassionate about your partner and living with her is not an option, you can always work on her to calm her down!
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2. Reassure Her Place in Your Life
The best way to handle your dramatic girlfriend is to assure her value in your life. If you love her you need to prove to her that she’s your queen from time to time. If you ever find your girlfriend getting annoyed or angry with you because she feels that you have been looking at an attractive woman; do not ever tell her to quit her anger.
Rather you have to breathe in and calm down and divert her attention. Make her feel like your queen. Make her coffee, plan a date, a movie night together; whatever makes her happy!
3. Try Ways to Communicate Effectively
Your girl might be throwing tantrums on you and she might be hard to manage. The causes can be that she isn’t being heard, or she feels like she isn’t getting adequate space to express herself. There is one golden strategy that you must try. Stay calm and patient.
Let her speak whatever is in her mind. Once she has spoken her mind out, you would consider sitting together and finding out the solutions.
4. Distract Yourself with Games or TV or Netflix
There are times when your partner speaks a lot and it becomes really hard for you to handle it. You might even start doubting if she loves you any more or not! But recently, she crossed the limits while talking to you.
Don’t break out with her. Start watching a few episodes on Netflix or play your favorite game or watch TV. It is a temporary distraction because later, you still have to find the answer to problems.
5. Call Her Best Friend
In some instances, it might become hard to handle your dramatic girlfriend, what you can do is you can call her closest friend. It’s not like avoiding the situation but there are times when your girlfriend might not tell her issues with you but she will be open with her friends.
To Wrap Up
When you understand why pizzas are made round, packed in a square box, and eaten in a triangle slice; that day you will understand women. It might be hard sometimes but it is a part of the relationship and it will continue forever.