If you sense that your aura is getting muddy, it is time to cleanse it. Read on to learn how to cleanse your aura using simple techniques.
Be it positive or negative, energy is contagious! Carrying specific energy not only has an impact on you but on others too. Every now and then, you carry both positive and negative energies. Positivity may bring good responses from others while negativity may not. Even someone else’s bad energy can stick to you due to which you confront emotional issues and intuition blockages. Thus, it becomes important to purify your energy once in a while.
Before you dive in, let’s understand what Aura is and how you would know it needs cleansing. Later, we will discuss some easy ways to send away the bad energies and cleanse your surroundings to feel positive.
What is Aura?

Aura defines human energy. This energetic field revolves around your body which represents your vibe and current emotions. Your aura can also reveal your mind, desires, and heart.
The aura in a person is not stagnant. It keeps changing depending on the emotions you are reflecting currently. Your surroundings can also cause stress and thus it is essential to cleanse your aura from time to time. This will maintain good energy and prevent negative surroundings.
When Do You Need Aura Cleansing?
Once caught by a negative person or energy, you may start feeling sick or lose interest in certain activities that you enjoyed earlier. If you feel something is lowering your good energy, you should go for aura cleansing.
There are other factors that will indicate your aura needs cleansing:
- When your intuitions do not work.
- Anxiety becomes your friend.
- You feel lazy.
- Fall sick too often.
- When you get sad for no reason.
- Having bad days constantly.
- Stuck with something.
- Having conflicts in the family.
Since you interact with people regularly, it is possible that your auric field may get weak. You may even pick someone else’s negative energy and emotions. As a result, your aura is impacted by the people with whom you interact.
How to Cleanse Aura?

Evil eyes, gossip, and jealousy may affect your auric energy. However, by purifying your aura and surroundings, you can restore the positivity in your life.
Many people ask “how to cleanse my aura?” If you are not aware of this too, have a look at the following practices for cleansing your aura.
1. Burning Dried Herbs
One of the easiest ways to cleanse your aura is to burn dried herbs. There are a number of herbs available that are specifically used for cleansing purposes. Some herbs are so effective that they make you feel so light once you burn them.
Burning dried white sage is an ancient spiritual ritual that can be followed for aura cleansing. The smoke and fragrance that comes out of it cleanse your aura effectively.
Herbs with fragrance are burned for a long time. Besides cleansing your aura with sage, cedar, and thyme can also be used for aura healing. If you smudge with dried herbs in your room or home, the fragrance of the burning herbs will purify your surroundings as well. This, as a result, puts you in a better mood.
2. Practice Meditation
Those who are unable to arrange dried herbs can choose to meditate. This only requires you to sit alone and listen to your breaths.
Meditation is undoubtedly the best choice to make yourself feel relaxed. Whether you want to release stress or cleanse your aura, this will be effective. Whenever you feel low or require some deep aura cleansing techniques, meditating daily will help you to fight negativity and make you a calmer person.
3. Walking in the Rain
Watching or getting wet under the rain is something many people like. This soothes your brain and indirectly helps you with aura clearing. You might not know about this but now that you know, take advantage of rain whenever it showers.
All you have to do is step out when it rains, close your eyes, and let your body be soaked with rainwater. While you do so, think of all the toxic things and negativity bothering you and let those bad thoughts wash away with rain.
4. Magic of Spiritual Bath
Although it is not possible to soak yourself in rain more often as it is nature’s call, you can still go for a spiritual bath.
As is well known, water is an important element for cleansing. Thus, it can be used to purify your aura. To take a spiritual bath, it is suggested to use sea salt. While taking a bath, visualize the light pulling out all the negativity from you. This will give you effective results.
5. Yoga Can Help
Yoga has been also considered the best way to feel concentrated, positive and balance your chakras. If you are sensing negative thoughts and atmosphere, practice yoga every day.
By performing yoga exercises, you can get some time for introspection and relax your mind, body, and soul. You will feel the lightness inside you. As you keep practicing this technique, you will wonder seeing your negative thoughts replaced with positive thoughts.
6. Sprinkle Salt
Salt is one of the powerful remedies to remove bad energy. If you feel your home members are conflicting regularly, by sprinkling the salt in the home, you can settle the atmosphere.
To be precise, sprinkle salt around the corners of your room. Furthermore, you can use salt with water and use this mixture by spraying it in the air. Or, when you mop the floor, use sea salt with water and clean the floor.
7. Get Flowers at Home
Flowers can make everyone feel happy and colorful. The fragrance of flowers can change your mood. Therefore, you should bring flowers with good fragrance. Sage and lavender can be used to remove negative aura. It will leave you with positive vibes all around.
Additionally, you can fill your surroundings with flowers. It will somehow spread its magic and you will feel calm and relaxed.
8. Positive Affirmations
Another helpful way to cleanse one’s aura is to use positive affirmations. Alternatively, you can chant mantras. All you are required to do is find a quiet place, close your eyes, visualize yourself surrounded by lights, and affirm positive statements or chant mantras.
Repeat this more often. By doing so, you will feel the message that vibrates through the body. As a result, it strengthens the energy field and cleanses your aura.
Final Words: How to Cleanse Your Aura
There are common shades and variations that reflect your aura such as your positivity, passion, psychic, selfishness, and so on. To keep one’s aura safe, different types of methods can be followed. Once you read your aura and realize that it needs cleansing, you can smoke the negativity out of your life.