Happiness looks gorgeous on everyone! However, many people fail to maintain happiness in their life. There can also be occasions when your current life scenario does not allow you to remain happy. Whatever the circumstances are, if you choose to learn how to be happier, you can improve your life.
30 Tips to Be Happy
To make yourself happy, many ways can be tried. Even if you don’t have something particular to be happy with, make some habits and follow them as your daily routine. Learn how to be happier with the following tips:
1. Do Your Favorite Exercise
Exercise is proven to be very effective for your mind, body, and soul. It has an intense effect on well-being and happiness. In addition, exercising daily or frequently can help you to improve your brainpower, make your body better, overcome depression, and relax thoroughly.
So if you are thinking about how to be happy in life, start with exercise. In case you are not the one who likes to take out an hour for multiple exercises, start with the basic one for 5 minutes daily. Additionally, you can perform your favorite physical activities such as dancing and golf.
Alternatively, you can go out for a walk after dinner or start your day with 5-minutes of stretching. It will surely make a difference to your physical and mental health.
2. Smile in the Mirror
Do you wait for a particular reason to smile? Why do you need to do so when you are your happiness.
The peace activist, Yoko Ono says “Smile in the mirror”. According to her, you see a huge difference if you smile in the mirror every morning and I think it works!
When you smile, your brain releases dopamine which makes you happy from within. That does not mean you have to wear a fake smile all day long. But smile more often whenever possible.
Similarly, when you smile while meeting people outside, it gives other people a reason to smile. Indirectly, you are boosting your own mood as well.
3. Make a Good Food Choice
Food that you choose to eat has a direct impact on your physical health. There are even some food items that affect your mental state as well. For instance, deep-fried or highly processed food makes you feel low so the urge to have a meal dies.
Therefore, you should choose your food wisely– which is healthy not only for your body but for your state of mind.
Poultry, lean meat, dairy, and legumes have high amounts of protein. Such foods release norepinephrine and dopamine which help in boosting concentration and energy. Vegetables, whole grains, and beans can also be added to the list.
4. Build a Better Sleeping Routine
Adequate sleep is important to brain function, emotional well-being, and good health. For many adults, a sleep routine of 7-8 hours is a must. However, some people need very little sleep of 5 hours yet they feel fresh and happy the next morning.
Instead of listening to someone’s sleeping routine, make your own. Note down how many hours you sleep every night and how relaxed you feel the next morning. This will give you an idea of your sleeping routine based on the requirement of your body.
Thereafter, you can continue following a suitable sleeping routine every night. Consequently, you will feel rested and happy. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can treat sleep deprivation here.
5. Practice Gratitude
Being in a state of feeling grateful always boosts your mood. Studies have shown that practicing gratitude has a direct impact on feelings of happiness and hope. As you feel grateful for little things in life, it increases positivity around you which serves happiness from within.
So, if you choose to learn how to be happier, acknowledge at least one thing you are grateful for– be it your job, family, or love. The most interesting fact about being grateful, it does not even cost you too much time; you can do it while doing your work.
To make it a well-organized task, you can get a gratitude journal and list the things you are grateful to have in your life.
6. Don’t Hold a Grudge
Probably not as easy as it sounds but sometimes you have to let go of grudges for your own sake. Forgiving someone not only lightens the burden on others but is also a step for making your mental health better.
When you don’t hold a grudge and show compassion to others, it purifies your outlook too. You feel positive, light, and happy.
7. One-Minute Breathing Exercise
Deep breathing exercises can do wonders to calm you down. When you feel tense or you no longer feel happy, practice deep breathing exercises for at least 1 minute. This will reduce your stress instantly.
So, the next time you think about how to make yourself happy, close your eyes and envision the happy moments of your life. While you imagine the beautiful moments, slowly start taking deep breaths.
Make sure you inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Repeat the same exercise for one minute every day and see the difference. You will feel lighter and happy.
8. Live in the Present Moment
Our thoughts swing between past and future life. But, your present is all that should matter to you. See the truth; the current situation of your life.
If you wonder how to be happier, just make sure you don’t escape. Rather snap back to reality! Live in the present moment and appreciate life.
9. Compliment People
If you wonder how to feel happy, try to praise people; give them compliments for their looks, intelligence, or whatever you like in them. As you do so, the other people smile brightly which has a direct influence on your smile.
The more often you compliment somebody, the more smile you carry. This, as a result, makes you happy from within. Your act of kindness not only makes someone’s day but boosts your happiness too. Thus, complimenting someone is the most simple and effective way to live in happiness.
10. Talk to Yourself
As you reach your weekend, you probably plan that day to see your friends or spend time with your family. But, once in a while, whenever you get 5-10 minutes, spend those minutes talking to yourself. Do you find it awkward? But No!
According to CNN, self-talk helps you to organize your thoughts. There are other benefits of talking to yourself as well. For instance, it reduces stress, the brain works efficiently and it fosters self-reliance.
Even if you are carrying difficult feelings, self-talk helps to process such emotions. You can easily analyze how happy you have been in the past. Just take your time to reflect.
11. Accept the Unhappy Moments
Keeping yourself positive and happy is what we are told. However, not every time we are in the state of feeling positive. If circumstances don’t allow you to stay happy, don’t pretend to be happy. Rather, accept those unhappy moments and allow yourself to mourn.
When you let yourself feel the moment, it will help you to overcome it soon. Later, you can shift your focus with long walks, breathing exercises, or talking to someone close. Just don’t be so hard on yourself.
12. Get Yourself in Nature
Do you know spending time in green spaces can lower your depression and blood pressure? It also helps you to cure your disturbed mind.
In case you are not feeling happy these days, go to the park, rooftop garden, or anywhere you feel fresh air and nature. Sit there for 30 minutes and look around. When you hear your surroundings; the chirping of birds, blooming flowers, green grounds, and dancing trees, you feel a sense of calmness.
If preferred, you can go along with your friends or partner, sit there for a while, and have some chit chats. This will soothe your mind and will boost your mood.
13. Make Plans to See Your People
Friends are the most beautiful part of one’s life. They can cheer you up even if you are not in the mood of smiling. When you feel you are losing yourself, go to see your friends, make date plans with them. They will surely dig out the old you.
Even if you don’t have a large group of friends, stay connected with the closest one in your family. It could be your siblings or cousins. As you get along with somebody or share your happy or sad moments, you always feel better.
A long phone call can also work to share fun stories with your long-distance connection. This will make your heart feel good while maintaining your connections with people.
14. Spend Sensibly
Having more money makes you happier! Unfortunately, this is not the truth. Having money and spending it wisely is the main key to being happy. Instead of spending lavishly, spend sensibly. Happiness that is linked to material possessions will fade away but the experience of spending wisely can be shared with others.
15. Self-Care Mode On
If you are wondering how to be happier, following self-care techniques in your daily life routine will help. It also promotes happiness. Thus, it is equally important to love yourself and do what makes you happy.
Whether it’s about taking a shower, skin-care routine, or singing your favorite song, just do what makes you happier. By doing so, you don’t even have to depend on others to make you feel good. Remember you are your own happiness. Love yourself!
16. Confront Your Stress
Your life revolves around stress. Whether you accept it or not, some people even get so stressed about minor problems. While some people encounter an event in their life that brings stress all of sudden.
One has to understand, you cannot avoid stress. It will take its place even when you don’t want to have it. Instead of cursing your life due to unexpected stress, remind yourself to face it. Deal with it without getting overwhelmed.
Bear in mind, stress is not always harmful. By changing your attitude, you can easily manage stress.
17. Thoughts in Journal
Keeping a journal is a perfect way to jot down your thoughts and examine your feelings. You can do it every night right before you sleep.
It works exactly in the same way when you share your thoughts with someone and you feel relaxed as if you have shared your sadness and someone listened to you without being a critic. This gives you a sense of calmness.
In case you have no one to talk to, don’t forget your journal is there to hug you. If anything bothers you or you have dreams in your life, pen them down on paper.
As you write down your thoughts and feelings, you feel a bit lighter and somehow you get a reason to smile thinking you have shared your grief with somebody.
18. Declutter Your Life
Surrounding yourself with a bunch of unnecessary things affects you mentally. It is even a psychological fact that when you declutter your room, closet, or digital life, it reduces stress and anxiety.
This is even simpler! All you have to do is remove the unwanted stuff from your home, office desk, and wardrobes. Even your devices should be cleaned. Remove the unwanted data, and organize your mobile apps.
Get rid of anything that is no longer serving you. Do this once a week or any moment you get time. This makes you feel free and happy.
19. Balance Your Work Life
In most cases, your work-life becomes the reason for your unhappiness. Stress, anxiety, depression, and an unstable mind are all caused by the poor balance in work life.
So the next time you urge to know how to be happier, you should start taking care of your interests and hobbies. Do what you love besides hustling to build your career.
20. Keep Your Phone Aside
As you are aware of the reality, most people are more into their mobile phones than any human. Bear in mind, your mobile phone will be there even if you leave it for an hour. But, once you forget yourself, it becomes difficult to restore self-love.
Devices such as phones, laptops, and earphones might be your need for day-to-day life but try to distance yourself from digital life for at least an hour.
Meanwhile, you can go for a walk, sit among your family members or maybe alone. Just spend some time with yourself. Meditate if possible. Pay attention to your surroundings. Examine your feelings and thoughts.
21. Make a Schedule
Another secret of how to be happier is to remain well-planned about your next week. If you think you are holding so many plans in your head but have no idea how to execute them, no worries. You just need to relax, calm your mind, and list your plans for the upcoming week.
Once you make the basic list in contemplation, stick to that plan. The benefit of doing so is that you don’t have to think a lot before doing something; you would already know it as you have already prepared the list thoughtfully.
Believe me or not but when you follow the routine (that you make for yourself) successfully, it gives you a sense of daily achievement– a sense of happiness as you are getting success on your plans every day.
22. Practice Meditation
Meditation not only soothes your mind but also calms your body and soul. Also, the process of practicing meditation is easy. It only requires you to sit quietly for 5 minutes and focus on your breaths.
With the power of meditation, you can cure your stress, anxiety, and other health issues. As a result, you remain happy.
There are different types of meditation you can explore for your emotional well-being and illness. It includes mindfulness meditation, mantra meditation, yoga meditation, and gratitude meditation. Read more about the amazing benefits of meditation.
23. Recall Happy Moments
When taking small breaks, many people choose to use their mobile phones and go through social media (which is fine). But, what you don’t get here is your own time to analyze your thoughts.
During such small breaks, you can use your time to examine your thoughts. Make a list of your happy memories or maybe anything you are looking forward to.
When you feel low, go through the list so that you can shape your thoughts by remembering some happy memories or goals that you need to accomplish. This will give you a reason to shift your thoughts from sadness to determination or happiness.
24. Take Yourself Out
Do you need someone to go out with? If so, this time try to take yourself out. Sometimes, you do not want anybody around you; just you. Date yourself! Go to your favorite restaurant to eat your favorite food, go to the mall for shopping, or on a solo trip to explore places.
If you are one of those who like to be on social media, create content for it. Do what you love! Make yourself feel happy doing your favorite activities.
25. Re-examine Your Goals
Time changes so do your goals. You might have planned something two years back; it could be for your career or personal life. However, not every time do you feel like pursuing those goals after years because the situation does not remain the same as it was before.
Hence, you should re-evaluate your goals. Remove the goal from your list that no longer gives you any happiness. If possible, try to set some new goals that could be the reason for your happiness. When you work on such goals, you will feel happy accomplishing them.
26. Look After Your Body
Your happiness is not only associated with your mental state; it can also be maintained if your body feels healthy and happy. As you take care of your mental health, take care of your body too.
Go for health checkups annually, see the dentist for oral exams, get your eyes checked, and meet some specialists to check the chronic health issues. Because, when your health degrades, you feel depressed. Thus, it is better to follow up on your health to remain happy.
27. Celebrate Small Wins
Have you reached the target you set for yourself? Celebrate it! When you accomplish your goals, it undoubtedly makes you happy. Thus, you should enjoy such victories.
The secret of how to be happier also reveals that you should involve your friends and families as this doubles your happiness.
28. Be More Creative
Another way to be happier is to be creative. Whether you like to do paintings or make graphic design, just engage yourself in creative activities.
Remember, being creative does not mean you have to do a specific activity. It also reflects in your ideas and imagination. Studies have shown that people who are creative and imaginative are likely to remain happy for the long term.
29. Music Makes You Happier
The type of music you listen to defines your current mood. My recommendation for you is to choose happy music– be it loud music or soothing one. But, choose the type of music that releases dopamine. Avoid sad or depressing music as this can affect your mental health which consequently makes you sad.
30. Call Your Therapist
There can be instances when you just need to make a slight change to your life to be happy. However, your life situation may not allow you to feel happier. A lot of serious events might have taken place which resulted in grief, stress, and depression.
If you feel things are getting worse and the aforementioned ideas of being happy are not helping then you should not wait longer.
Call your therapist and ask for weekly therapy sessions. Alternatively, you can Google the best online therapy sessions and get your psychiatric assistance.
Final Note on How to Be Happier!
Happiness comes from within. However, in certain scenarios, you might feel low or dejected. Remember, facing unhappy moments is not a problem but not overcoming unhappiness can affect your mental health. If you know how to be happier on your own, you never have to depend on anyone to bring happiness.