So, the chilly season is here, and following a perfect hair care routine is more than a struggle in the winter season. Every person has the same struggle to find the time and courage of washing and taking care of hair in the cold weather.
If it is relatable for you, not to worry about that all. Here, I’m going to make a list of easy hair care routine that you can follow regularly or frequently.
Apart from taking care for your hair, it is also necessary to take care of your skin in winter season. Here are a few tips to hydrate dry skin in winter season.
Let us explore what you could cut down and what could you incorporate in your winter hair care routine so you can flaunt those fabulous locks in this chilly season as well.
1. Oiling
Yes, we know everyone says this every time to oil your hair in winters. However, we are telling you to do something additional that you’ll love in winters. When going for oiling your hair, make sure that the oil is lukewarm, (if not, warm it) and then massage your scalp with it.
The additional heat along with the massage will boost the blood circulation in the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Not only it is beneficial for your hair health, but it will also make your oiling routine a little warmer and cozy.
2. Hot or Cold Water?

Just as difficult it may seem to convince yourself to take a shower in the chilly weather, it is as difficult to get ready for a hair wash. And many of us would get into the hot shower and wash our hair with that same temperature water. But you need to stop doing that.
Washing hair with hot water may feel soothing but it is harsh on hair health. What you can do to maintain that hair health and not feel cold is wash your hair with water which is a few degrees colder than the water you’re using for bathing or showering. This will keep the natural oils intact while cleaning the dirt and excess oil on the scalp. Washing hair with lukewarm or a bit degrees cooler water in winters is also helpful in keeping the frizz away.
3. Scalp Scrub
While washing your hair, make sure that you concentrate the shampoo on the scalp instead of spreading it evenly on the scalp and lengths of hair. Since its majorly the scalp that needs cleaning from dirt and excess oil and not the strands, it only makes sense to clean the scalp by scrubbing it.
Also, you wouldn’t want to be harsh while scrubbing the scalp as the wet hair are very fragile as compared to the dried-up hair. When you wash off the shampoo, the studs will ultimately clean the hair strands.
4. Conditioning is Essential
No matter what the season it is, make it a rule to condition the hair when you wash your hair. It is essential to condition the hair as the pollution level, in general, is on the rise and the effect can be seen on the hair health as well. Conditioning the hair works wonders on the frizz of the hair in winters. Just apply the hydrating conditioner on the lengths of hair after the shampoo for 3-4 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.
To avoid the hair breakage, you can detangle your hair while the conditioner is on the hair so that the conditioner spreads evenly. Cover the wet hair with a microfiber towel or a t-shirt when you come out of the shower. Don’t use the regular body towel as the fibres of that towel is harsh on the wet hair and may lead to damage.
5. Should I blow-dry?

Coming out of the shower in winter and blow-drying your hair feels like heaven because of the warm air that’s all there during blow-drying. However, make sure that you use a heat-protecting spray before using any heating tool to dry or style your hair.
I understand that the warm air of blowdryer is the one thing that you want to feel after the hair wash. So, you can still do but keep the towel or the t-shirt on and cover your hair. This will minimize the damage via heat on the hair. To dry your hair, make sure that you dry them naturally or use a heat protecting spray.
P.S. It is always important to apply a serum on the lengths of the half-dried hair so that you keep the moisture and hydration on your locks. A serum effectively detangles the tangled hair, enhances the hair shine, and then you can style your hair very easily.
6. How to comb?

Now that you have already dried your hair, the next step is to comb your hair. It is never a good idea to comb the hair when they’re wet, remember, they are extra fragile when wet. Also, if you have effectively detangled your hair in the shower, the hair must not be that tangled up when you start to comb.
Moreover, the serum also adds up the smoothness to make the combing process a bit easier and less damaging. When the hair is all dry and combed, you can style them the way you want and get ready for the fabulous winter hair.
7. How often to wash?
Now, it is an essential question that many people would want to know. The answer is, ideally it is okay to skip a wash or two in a week. Yes, you read it right, you need not wash your hair every day. Moreover, if you are the type of person who washes hair every day, it may be doing more damage than good.
If you want a hint, you can keep your routine of washing your hair once in 2-3 days, or maximum thrice in a week. See, what can be the best thing than to not wash the hair and get the water on the head every single day in the chilly winters.
Hope I have made your winter hair care routine a bit easier. Follow this and let me know your journey for fabulous hair in winter.