In the world of selfish relationships and broken hearts, a new term is commonly known as “Friends With Benefits” has been there for quite a while and is emerging amongst the new generation. Going by the definitions, the friends with benefits relationship is one where one has an occasional and casual sexual relationship with the opposite partner. But is that it? Is it just a way to satisfy your sexual needs? Is there anything more? Well, let’s figure it out together.
In the past, the relationship of Friends with Benefits was seen as a way to avoid responsibility or commitment but with time it’s been a perfect deal where one remains single and yet isn’t deprived of the body’s sexual needs. Do know the rules of being in friends with benefits relationship.
An often phrase attached in such a relationship is “NO STRINGS ATTACHED”. Well, we don’t know if the strings remain attached or not? But if you are in a dilemma about whether to get into such a relationship with your close friends, here are some pros and cons that might help you make the right decisions.

Pros of Being in a Friends with Benefits Relationship
1. It’s easy. If you have a friend who you are close to and vibe well with and want to take things to the next level you can approach him/her. Remember to talk the terms out.
2. Just Sex. Well, the Friends with Benefits relationship avoids the drama of trust issues, commitments, responsibilities and just satisfies your guilty pleasures. Choose someone whose company you enjoy. Remember this isn’t just a random hookup, you are still friends.
3. Friends with benefits is the best option for those people who are emotionally unavailable and cannot come into a committed relationship. It becomes a medium for them to let themselves out and satisfy their sexual fantasies.
4. For people too busy with their work Friends With Benefits gives them an opportunity to avoid all the hassle of going time to build a relationship and lets them enjoy the perks while being single.
5. It becomes a safe place to open up to your friend, talk about each other guilty pleasure and get to know each other’s dirty fantasy, and also enjoy casual sex.
Cons of Being in a Friends with Benefits Relationship
1. One does not get to feel the wonderful essence of falling in love. It devoids one the small pleasure of being in love and also prevents you from meeting someone new.
2. Attachment for the person may begin to develop. A relationship that’s is based on just sex bringing in emotions makes things go haywire.
3. It might ruin the friendship. A person does not always need sex to feel comfortable sometimes it’s just a head to lay upon or a person to talk to. But when emotions get in the way your friendship might be at cost.
4. Once you fall in love from being in friends with benefits relationship there are high chances of heartbreak, which causes a lot of pain.
Bonus Tips:
- Communicate with your partner, if you want more from the relationship.
- Keep things private does not do unnecessary PDA.
- Respect each other as a friend first before sexual partner.
- Avoid Friends with Benefits if you are jealous or possessive.
- Respect each other’s privacy and personal life.
- Do not associate sex with love.
- Always be prepared that one might develop intimate feelings.