A Dog is the perfect emotional support animal for each human in the world. Dogs are known for giving their unconditional love to humans. Honestly, we humans can never reciprocate the same amount of love and emotional support that dogs give us.
It is medically proven that dogs help in improving our mental health. Dogs can cure people suffering from anxiety and depression as well. Though our family can assist us in terms of giving unconditional love and keep relations happy and strong. But those who do not have a big family or stay far from their family members can pick an emotional support animal, i.e., dog. This can also help improve your relations with family as you will be surrounded by a happy dog.
Here, I’m listing 10 dog breeds which can be considered for an emotional support animal.
1. Labrador Retriever

I mean have you seen their face? They are one of the best therapy dogs. Labradors are kind and gentle and friendly behavior. They make a great emotional support dog. If you feel difficult to get out of your home, Labradors make an incredible playmate. They know how to uplift human’s mood.
2. Yorkshire Terrier

I think the saying “Good things comes in small packages” is written for Yorkshire terrier. They are extremely affectionate and loyal. Needless to say, they demand affection a little more than the other dog breeds. But, once to see them all you want to give them is affection and love. As they are petite and adaptable to change. Yorkshire makes an amazing travel companion.
3. German Shepherd

This breed has a lot of energy. It’s important to channelize that energy to something productive. A German shepherd is a working dog. They like to have a task, if you teach them properly they can be an amazing emotional support dog breed. They like to spend as much time as they can with their human. With german shepherds one thing is assured, you’ll never feel lonely.
4. Collie

Collies are as cute as their name. They pick up on negative energy faster than our mothers, well that says a lot. Collies are quick to take cues when their human is feeling low and provide instant support and comfort. They love to exercise, which is really good for someone who needs a reason to go for a morning run. All in all, they will boost up your mind as well as your physical health.
5. Chihuahua

You might be surprised to see this breed in the list. Chihuahuas have little temperament issues themselves. But, if they are provided with proper socialization at an early age. They can make a great emotional support companion. Since they have a lot of energy, they are always ready for indoor games and snuggles.
6. American Pit Bull Terrier

Let me be clear Pit Bull already has a bad reputation. And, I personally take the responsibility to clean Pit Bull’s image. Like any other dog, Pit Bull also needs a little bit of training. Pit Bulls are extremely loyal and affectionate, they provide unconditional support and love to their human.
7. Corgi

People with depression should go for a breed like a corgi. Despite their small size, they have a lot of energy. They won’t let their human stay in bed all day. Corgi needs constant affection and love which they give back in ten times more. If you already have a dog and want to add one more to your family. Corgi is the best option as they are friendly towards other dogs as well.
8. Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever is a poster dog for emotional support dog breed group. They are considered the best dog to use as therapy. They are kind, patient, loving, gentle, friendly and whatnot. Golden Retriever is fast learner hence they are easy to train. They provide amazing support to the patient suffering from mental health issues. Also, that face is enough to melt you.
9. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

No, that’s not a king’s name. It’s a dog breed, a really adorable dog breed to be precise. People know them for their endless cuddle time with their favorite human. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeds are friendly with children as well. They will be a great addition to your family.
10. Irish Wolfhound

If Hodor from Game of Thrones had a spirit animal that would be Irish wolfhound. They come across as a massive dog which might scare some of us but, they are extremely gentle with their human. They give a lot of emotional support to their human. But, they have a shorter life span than other dog breeds which can be emotionally challenging for a person with depression.
There is a dog for everyone. Someone said it right “No Dog is a Bad Dog” alright I said it but, it’s true. No matter what breed you go for dogs is known for their loyalty and love. You can adopt a dog from the street and he will love you all his life. Go to your nearest dog shelter and adopt a dog. You can feel an instant connection with an emotional support animal. There is a perfect dog for you out there.