Physical, Mental, and Emotional are the three things you might have often heard together and their importance in every individual’s well-being. Well, today we will set aside the physical aspect and merge the mental and emotional factors and the term that emerges is ‘Emotional Intelligence’.
Today we will figure out why the perfect resonance between the mind and emotions is required. Also, why it’s beneficial for all to strike the balance of emotional intelligence.
Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
We all do have our fair share of emotional outbursts. When we contemplate it later on in the future, we re-evaluate our decisions. Was it necessary? What if I had said this, it would have made more impact? And all sorts of questions. This is where emotional intelligence comes into play.
Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient (EQ) helps an individual to check on one’s emotions and help them manage it in a positive way.

Developing Emotional Intelligence can be beneficial for one as it plays a vital role in one’s success. A higher EQ helps to build a fruitful relationship. It also helps an individual communicate better and empathize with another fellow human being, playing a pivotal role in an individual’s overall development and growth.
See also: 10 Signs Of Verbally Abusive Relationship You Are In
Now that we know some of the benefits of Emotional Intelligence, let’s see some of the practices we can adopt to improve our emotional quotient (EQ).
1. Self-awareness
Firstly the most important thing is to be aware of your own emotions and understand how they play out in different circumstances. Being self-aware of our emotions helps us recognize how they affect our thoughts and decision. Eventually aiding in the overall development and improving one’s emotional intelligence.
2. Emotional Regulation
An emotional outburst is an impulse of raw uncontrolled emotions in a negative direction which can be harmful to one’s character. Hence there is a dire need to keep our emotions in check and keep them regulated. Emotional regulation helps to channelize our thought in the right direction instead of acting solely on one impulsive emotion. It enables us to make the most appropriate decision taking into all the factors.
3. Empathy
Empathy is the ability to how people feel when they are placed in a situation where you have once been. It eventually leads to the development of a deeper connection with fellow human beings. It also enables us to understand how people are affected by our decisions and help us in understanding the impact of our word giving us a higher EQ.
4. Take Responsibility
If your actions hurt someone emotionally, accept your mistake, take responsibility, and apologies. Do not ignore what impact your words have on others and do not avoid the person. People are willing to forget and forgive if you make a genuine attempt.
Final Verdict
We all have probably met someone in our life who is really emotionally strong and have seen that these are the people who are calm during the most stressful situations and eventually make the best decisions.
We hope we have convinced you to enhance your personality and improve your EQ. Hopefully, you would have benefited from knowing the benefits of Emotional Intelligence in every individual.