Do you know the aura color meaning? An aura in its simplest form is a field of energy. The hues of the aura enclose your body. Aura is emitted by different kinds of living beings including humans, animals, and plants.
Although there isn’t much scientific evidence supporting this factor, it is based on the beliefs of people. The most interesting fact about aura is that it can not be seen through the naked eye.
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What is an Aura?
An aura is formed by combining different colors but these colors are not mixed in the same proportion – there is always a color prominent in your aura. And by someone’s aura, we refer to that color. To make things more interesting, the color of the aura changes occasionally for some people while for others it may remain constant.
Aura Colors and Meanings

The color of your aura can speak of a dozen facts about a person because it can reflect the overall state of a person’s mind, body, and spirit.
Let us now know about the aura color meaning:
Red Aura Meaning: Lively and High-Spirited
- Quick at putting thoughts into action.
- Represents stability in the root chakra.
Orange Aura Meaning: Innovative, Imaginative, and Proactive
- Linked to the sacral chakra, indicating flowing creative energy.
- Tends to learn lessons through experience.
Yellow Aura Meaning: Bright and Charming
- Signifies a confident and empowered individual.
- Associated with the solar plexus chakra, representing identity and confidence.
Green Aura Meaning: Caring, Empathetic, and Understanding
- This aura is linked to the heart chakra. It expresses qualities of love, compassion, and openness.
- Loves music, and nature, and values freedom.
Pink Aura Meaning: Kind, Sympathetic, and Adoring
- Another color associated with the heart chakra indicates a loving and caring nature.
- Celebrate kindness but establish boundaries.
Blue Aura Meaning: Powerful, Authoritative and Enlightening
- Represents a powerful mind but may need grounding.
- Associated with the throat chakra, governing expression and truth.
Purple Aura Meaning: Instinctive and Compassionate
- Associated with the third-eye chakra, indicating strong intuition and sensitivity.
- The person having a purple aura may possess psychic or empathic abilities.
Indigo Aura Meaning: Sensitive and Understanding
- Signifies a highly sensitive person absorbing emotions and energies from others.
- The darker the color is, the more sensitive is the person.
White Aura Meaning: Pure and Devotionally Linked
- Linked to the crown chakra, representing a connection to universal energy.
- Indicates a quick mind and potential for perfectionism.
Black Aura Meaning: Tired or Fatigued
- Not an actual color of aura but it indicates that you are very tired.
- A person posing a black aura may need care from others. A little bit of care or love from their dear ones may heal them.
Rainbow Aura Meaning: Dynamic and Full of Lively
- Among all the auras, the rainbow aura is the rarest.
- Displays multiple colors, signifying a busy or changing period.
- Reflects a busy or changing period, with both positive and challenging aspects.
How to Find Your Aura Color?

As you have come to know the aura color meaning, you will be so eager to know the color of your aura. Here are some approaches to determining your own aura color:
Get an aura reading
An experienced aura reader, psychic, or energy healer can perceive your aura colors and provide guidance. Look for practitioners who seem genuinely intuitive.
Use aura photography
Aura cameras can photograph the aura field. They can produce an image where you can see the main colors highlighted. However, this technology doesn’t always accurately predict the color.
Try aura visualization
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, relax, and breathe deeply. Visually invite your aura to reveal itself to you. Pay attention to any colors that seem to stand out.
Assess your personality
The step is like reverse psychology, so you understand yourself first and then decide your aura based on your activities. Look at the aura color meanings listed above. Think about your core values, behavior patterns, strengths, and weaknesses. See which aura color resonates most.
Notice color preferences
The colors you’re drawn to reflect your own energy. The color you like the most is likely to correspond to your personal aura hues.
Pay attention to dreams
What you dream about might reflect what you wish or how you feel yourself to be. If you have dreams that are vivid or dreams that are recurring and featuring one particular color, it can indicate your aura. So, keep a note of the color that is reflected in your dreams.
Monitor chakra areas
Pay attention to any sensations in your main chakras, if you feel tingling or other sensations, they might correspond with a specific aura color.
Use meditation
While you are meditating, try to feel what’s going on inside your body. Detect any color visions or sensations.
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How to Find Another Person’s Aura?
You can follow the aforementioned tips to find out the aura of the other people. Now, as said, it can be really difficult for a beginner to visualize the aura of people. So, unless your eyes can catch those colors, you have to monitor another person to make any guess about them.
Take a close look at the person’s behavior and try to match them with the list mentioned above. A person’s aura is mostly to be reflected in the behavior or level of enthusiasm of a person.
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How to Improve Your Aura?
Though there is not any particular color of aura labeled as the best or the worst, from the above list, there may be a color that you would want your aura to be.
- If you believe that your aura is not reflecting positive energy, take time to release the negative energy through practices like meditation.
- Practice gratitude and maintain a positive mindset.
- Stay close to nature.
- Be creative.
- Don’t indulge in things that give you momentarily pleasure and make you regret it later.
- Avoid alcohol and any kind of drug.
- Keep connected to positive people.
Final Words on Aura Color Meaning
As aura hues are not visible to amateur eyes, it can be time-consuming to understand your aura in the first place. Even after finding out your aura, you may not be quite certain that you will have the aura in the future.
Aura colors are subject to change. They may change according to your mood, environment, etc. Keep your mind free and you will have a positive impact on your aura.