Angel Number 1111 Meaning: Why People Make a Wish at 11:11?

Make a wish, it’s 11:11! Why do people say that? What makes this number so powerful that people start praying to manifest their desires? Well, angel number 1111 brings an important message sent from your guardian angels especially for you. This powerful sign carries innovation, new beginnings, motivation, and a lot more. Seeing 1111 meaning also lets you know you are being spiritually awakened and this may greet unexpected changes into your life.

Angel Number 1111

Many people might find this a superstition but one should not doubt the power of this universe. When you look at the clock and you see 11:11 AM/PM, it is no coincidence. You may ignore such messages once or twice but confronting the same time every day and night is a direct sign of communication from your angels.

Where Do You See Angel Number 1111?

Not only in clocks, but you may also encounter angel number 1111 in different locations. For instance, you are buying something online and the price shows $1111, opening social media and you received exactly 1111 likes on post or 1111 views on your story.

Similarly, you may encounter number 1111 in different areas. This only happens when your angels are trying to grab your attention to this number so you can notice and decode the actual message.

Components of Angel Number 1111?

If you notice the angel number 1111 carries four times 1. Each number stands for something specific. When it appears as 1111, the vibration of this number becomes higher. Also, the meaning of 1111 angel number varies depending on the incidents happening in your life right now.

Before you rush to know the 1111 angel meaning, understand the components of this angel number. This will help you to know the symbolism of each number in 1111.

Meaning of Number 1

Number 1 represents movement, change, and new beginnings. It also symbolizes inspiration and creativity. This number holds power, confidence, and helps in opening a new door. When you encounter number 1, it indicates the universe wants to grab your attention.

Meaning of Number 11

When the number 1 doubles with one more 1, it is called the inner teacher. Seeing angel number 11 reflects your intuition power. It radiates empathy and elevates your spiritual level. This is also the number of growth. The appearance of number 11 signifies that you are knowing yourself better as you are expanding your consciousness.

Meaning of Number 111

Triple 1 number is associated with positivity. It is also a clear sign of your spiritual awakening. This number is quite important for manifesting your desires. It is said that seeing angel number 111 tells you to focus on your goals to make them fulfilled. Keep in mind that you need to carry positivity within you because carrying doubts and fear while manifesting may bring negativity in your life.

Meaning of Angel Number 1111

Four times 1 makes this angel number four times powerful. If you are seeing angel 1111 number, you are blessed enough with the guidance of the universe. In addition, seeing angel number 1111 is a reminder to align your thoughts and take action for your best self. Seeing 1111 meaning also tells you to think positive as your wishes are going to be fulfilled.

What Does Angel 1111 Number Try to Tell You?

What Does Angel 1111 Number Try to Tell You

The angel number 1111 can have different meanings, however, it depends on what is happening currently in your life. Based on your life’s current situation, you can understand the 1111 angel number meaning.

In general, angel number 1111 brings a new beginning. Seeing this number frequently indicates that your life is about to welcome certain changes in your life. Be it something small or big steps, you may start something new or receive something in unexpected ways.

Have a look at the following 1111 number meanings from different aspects:

1. Love is Calling You

Angel number 1111 is also a twin flame number which means if you are seeking a love partner, seeing this number gives a sign that your love is about to meet you.

The two 11’s are basically a mirror number that represents two soul mates. Seeing 1111 meaning reveals that love is around the corner. Therefore, you should be open to receiving what the universe has planned for you. Also, be mindful of your surroundings and people. Your soulmate must be looking for you.

2. Focus on Yourself

Self-love is important, everybody knows that. However, in some instances, you may ignore your choices and don’t look after yourself. Being in such a situation and seeing angel number 1111 tells you to accept and love yourself.

If you are affected by someone else’s opinions, you might hold negative energy. As a result, it blocks your blessings. Thus, angel number 1111 meaning tries to tell you to focus on yourself and be confident. When you maintain this confidence and positive outlook, you will automatically attract happiness.

3. Lost Soul is Communicating

It is believed that the deceased look upon us always and help us when needed. Angel number 1111 tells you that the lost soul is trying to talk to you through repeated numbers.

Probably you had a great connection with someone who is no longer with you in this world. Now, they are trying to communicate with you through angel numbers. 1111 spiritual meaning also brings hope and reassurance. It tells you that the bond you had with that soul will always remain forever.

4. Take Necessary Actions

As stated earlier, number 1 brings new beginnings and opportunities. Seeing angel number 1111 also reveals that it is time to take the right action for your career, education, or relationships. By doing so, you will manifest your desires sooner than expected.

If you have any self-doubts, let that thought go, and don’t worry about the future. Angels are with you and thus good things will fall soon into your place. Keep in mind, it is important to work hard and keep things moving.

5. Accept the Reality

Angel Number 1111 tells you to accept the truth and your reality. Do not hide behind the layers to hide your true self. If you are doing so, angels will send this message through the 1111 number that you need to come out of those hiding places and accept reality.

Be honest with yourself, set some goals, and have the courage to accomplish them. You need to discover yourself and be gentle with what you need.

List of Other 1111 Angel Number Meanings

List of Other 1111 Angel Number Meanings

The messages from your guardian angels may vary depending upon the current life’s scenario. Thus, seeing 111 and 1111 meanings may also give different messages. You need to decode these messages according to your current emotions.

For instance, the 1111 angel number can be for your love life but it may also have biblical or spiritual meaning. To avoid any kind of confusion, you can go through the different meanings of the number 1111 from guardian angels.

1111 Angel Number Love & Twin Flame

1111 meaning love, soul mate, and twin flame. Seeing this number more frequently gives you a clear sign of your twin flame reunion. Seeing double 11 twice is like a mirror that is reflecting. Hence, 11:11 represents your twin flame who is perfectly mirroring your soul.

Seeing the 1111 number also reveals that you have manifested the soul mate and come into your life very soon.

But remember this does happen instantly as you wake in the morning and see your twin flame is waving at you. This will only happen according to divine timing. But yes you get the confirmation after seeing 1111 that you will surely meet your love if you have prayed for this.

Biblical Meaning of Angel Number 1111

In the Bible, the number 1111 symbolizes the power of God. When you see this number, it says, you need to surrender because God is there to take care of you. As a result, all your prayers will be answered. This could also be a sign that your angels are near you to resolve your problems.

Someone from the divine realm is watching over you. Seeing the 1111 number is a confirmation that you are not alone. All you have to do is recognize a vision from God because he is already helping you by sending angels and angelic numbers. So when you encounter an 1111 angel number, you need to trust in God and the process.


Angel number 1111 is associated with a new start, taking action, motivation to go forward, and achieving success. With this high vibrational number, you can have a clear sign of your spiritual awakening and strong intuitions. Therefore, people start making wishes when it is 11:11 in the clock because, during this time, your vibration gets higher and thus it becomes easier to manifest your thoughts.

Make sure you don’t pour any negative thoughts while looking at 11:11 as this will manifest those negative thoughts. It is better to think positive and the positive will happen to you.


An avid writer and dedicated blogger, Konica leads the inspiring world of her personal blog. With a creative mind and a love for storytelling, she effortlessly weaves words into captivating narratives.

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  1. I’ve been seeing 1111 for nine months now, and I am so ready for a new and fresh start! A lot of my friends started seeing 1111 during the coronavirus, so I believe the number has something to do with spiritual awakening.