Dreams are that part of our lives that stays with us right from childhood till old age. No matter how old you are, you would still see dreams. There are many types of dreams; good, bad, scary, relieving, confusing dreams, etc.
As a child, you might have seen a dream after which you had to run to your parents’ room. Then, they would calm you down and make you understand that it is just a dream and not a reality. There were times where you might have woken up to some confused reaction. Or, maybe because you saw yourself with someone else other than your partner in your dream. Sometimes you find your eyes wet when you wake up, maybe because you might have lost someone in your dream. So basically, what are these dreams trying to say, or what is the spiritual meaning of dreams?
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How Do You Understand Spiritual Meaning of Dreams?
There are some dreams where an incident sticks to your mind and some dreams where you might not even remember anything about the dream except the emotion you felt about it. In ancient times, the dreams that you wake up to were given immense importance, but since we are now moving towards a more real-world ad, their importance is reducing, but the fact cannot be denied about a vision being shown.

Secrets Behind Spiritual Meaning of Dreams
There are certain interpretations made about the types of Dreams that we see:
1. Dreams of Karma
You might encounter a dream about a specific location and a family where you have a husband. In reality, you have no idea about that location, and you are happily married to your current partner. But the reason for those dreams is because karma works a lot, and there is something unsettled left thereof your previous birth. Or maybe you see a dream of a specific person like your ex again and again. That does not mean you want them back in your life but holds the same reason for something left uncleared between both of you.
2. Dreams about the Future
Dreaming about an incident happening in the near future could be the spiritual meaning of dreams. There could be a temple you have never heard about having seen a dream about it, and later after a few months, you visit the same temple. There could be a possibility of you seeing some great news about your profession in your dream and hence could be a sign that you need to work harder and harder to achieve what you saw in your dream.
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3. Dreams about Guidance
This kind of dream could be a sign of guidance by god or by your guardian angel trying to indicate to be aware of the upcoming things that could either be good or could be bad and harmful to you. God already has his plans ready for you, and he knows what might affect you and what might break you down; hence he prepares you by guiding you for future incidents with the help of these dreams.
So these are types of dreams that you could witness. Hence, when you wake up being confused, remember that whatever you see does have a spiritual meaning of dreams.