Shying away from your inner child’s thoughts and wants is a common thing, but not healthy. Being in touch with your inner child is a necessity for your overall well-being as repressed emotions, in the long run, can turn explosive. If your playful energy is affected due to pain, stress, or trauma, make sure you heal your inner child. This will balance your energy and help you to overcome challenging times.
We all know good things take time, the same is the case with your inner child. Healing your inner child will take its sweet time. But do not get discouraged, you should be resilient.
Best Eight Tips for Healing Your Inner Child
We all have an inner child within us. Unapologetically, this inner child is YOU. It represents past experiences – the happy ones, the sad ones, the scared ones of our lives.
This could be the manifestation of your past habits, traumas, and struggles. It is expressed when we silently crave affection from our partner but do not say it as asking for it is not something we are used to and many other things.

Keep your inner child alive by balancing the emotions within you. Today let’s hear it out and heal your inner child:
Acceptance of Your Inner Child
Every process of healing begins with acceptance of our problem. And, the problem here is the negligence of our inner child’s call.
Embrace your childhood memories. Sit back and think about all that time when you felt strong emotions. Even simple moments like eating out with your family, and playing with your friends can also hold strong power.
Re-living through such moments takes you closer to your inner child. It opens a channel of contact between adults and your inner child. You can feel it more and sense all your mellow feelings.
Reconnect with It
Now that you have a mode of communication, try to learn more. You will understand your behavior through it.
Probably, you crave love and assurance from people around you, maybe you were deprived of it as a kid or just grew up that way, and the sudden distance between you and your loved ones has made you hollow.
You are scared of people or judgments, maybe it’s because as a kid you had a dramatic experience. It could be a lot more things, it only takes you to sit and connect with yourself or, we can say, your inner child.
Related: Surprising Benefits of Talking to Yourself
Write It Down!
Write down to your inner child all your thoughts as an adult. We all have insecurities and at some point, we start giving in to them. Write all of your insecurities to your 4-5 yr old self and you’ll realize that the negativity and doubts that you have don’t matter much.
When you hear your inner child about the problems it will feel like a trial. You will realize how much negativity pulls you down and disturbs you. Apologize to yourself for doubting yourself. Slowly, you could heal your inner child.
Identify Your Wounds
Most of the time our inner child just wants to be heard. The inner child has been through much emotional distress which they can’t easily overcome just by consoling themselves.
They just want to be reassured that they are important and worthy. You feel the unexplainable frustration and pain of not being enough.
Take time to understand what is the root of all the insecurities. How deeply are the doubts seeded into you? And begin from there, put your focus on working there.
Suggested: How to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself?
Embrace its Beliefs
Your inner child represents you and so do its beliefs. They are the subconscious version of you, hence they are the core part of you.
They are not fully formed but the experiences they have gone through shape them into what they are right now. Try to understand them and their roots.
They will convey to you their confusion and unfiltered thoughts. It might be vague and ugly but it will bring you to a new light.
Meditate to Heal Your Inner Child
This whole ordeal may become chaotic. It would be confusing and stressful. You need to stay calm. And breathe. It’s most important for healing your inner child. It’s such a simple thing that we tend to overlook it. Focus on it, and gather all the concentration that you can.
Meditation is known to calm you down and make you focus. It accelerates the power of our brain. This will not only help you gain strength but make your connection with your subconscious or your inner child closely.
Clear your schedule, meditate and take deep breaths. You can check out some underrated meditation techniques that you are comfortable with.
Related: Benefits of Meditation You Must Know
Keep Your Playfulness
Do not let your inner child wither out. Nothing will heal you like rejuvenating your stressed self.
Leave the stress and insecurities for this time and play with your inner child. Go out and explore. Enjoy your days on a sunny afternoon or in the rain.
Sift the playful memories of your childhood again. These beautiful moments will be a major step in healing your inner child.
Self-Love for Healing Your Inner Child
It’s such an easy term to talk about but is the hardest. Many people forget to provide themselves with the love that they spend on others daily. And their inner child suffers through it as it slowly loses its importance within.
Let’s start going easy on ourselves. Praise yourself even for the smallest of things. They might not have been great work but they will heal your inner child as it will grow strong with the love you give yourself.
You got up on time today. Congratulate yourself. You completed the target. Treat yourself. And even if you are not able to, good at least you took the effort.
Recommended: How to Love Yourself with Self-Love Techniques?
Final Note on Inner Child Healing
It would be hard, sometimes everything will be frustrating and other times you will have joyful moments with your inner self. Just remember this is not somebody else, but YOU. A rather unclear and younger version of you, but it is built like YOU. Do not be harsh with yourself. Grow and learn with your inner child.