Unrealistic expectations in relationships can also lead to significant problems in a two-person relationship because both partners must know and be able to represent themselves.

1. Do I already know myself in Unrealistic expectations in relationships, and can I stand by it?
Do I take myself seriously, or do I miss myself often? If I cannot maintain my relationship with myself, I will not be able to engage with my partner openly and will get lost in the link.
2. If I cannot relate to myself in unrealistic expectations in relationships
The deficit is filled by using the partner. A feeling of dependence arises. It becomes unbearable if ideas and expectations are not met because the partner lives his own. There are hardly any encounters in such a relationship.
3. Meetings can only take place where there is no obstacle
No demand, no expectation, no constraint, no purpose. Contacts are always direct and mutual, based on individual skills and not on deficits.
4. Selflessness and willingness to make sacrifices for the partner are often confused with love
If both have this attitude, it means for love that both have given up. This also applies if both want to meet the expectations of the partner, preemptive obedience, and not formulating your own needs and hoping that the other will discover them by accident.
See also: 5 Strong Signs of Your Insecurity in Relationship.
5. Loving selflessly in this way means not loving yourself
It is one of the unrealistic expectations in relationships. There is no encounter, and soon, there is a bad feeling that something is wrong. The thoughtful dialogue needs courage, courage for yourself, and courage to encounter others.
6. Love lives from the encounter
Which means much more than maintaining a relationship. Love also has a lot to do with the original relationship experiences with father and mother and often less with the life partner.
7. A balance between self and common ground
To distinguish this means that each couple has to find the balance between self and common ground. There is no right to one another in love because love is a voluntary gift.
8. Expresses gratitude
It should be seen as a gift from others, and you should be thankful for it. Whoever respects this freedom and expresses gratitude to this gift deepens love.
In the previous remarks on the pitfalls of expectations, I tried to make it clear how we fix ourselves and make ourselves dependent on expectations and do not remain open to the situation and thus make life authentic, active, and acting.
Anyone who tries to live meaningfully and satisfactorily in the context of his continually changing reality as the blindness process progresses is not only happier and happier, but he also loses himself less in expectations and thus saves many disappointments. However, because expectations are part of life, it is helpful if we are always aware of what expectations do to ourselves and to those who feel our expectations.
See also: Surprising Signs You’re Not in Love with Your Partner.