Humanity has long since enjoyed understanding why we do what we do. Knowledge and acceptance of people’s preferences in their partners are the greatest boons of the 21st century. Some of us are fortunate to not have to suffer because of this preference; namely sapiosexuals. Do you wonder what characteristics of a sapiosexual you could find in a person?
The word might seem like it belongs on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, but it does not. Sapiosexuals are primarily attracted to intelligence in its various forms, emotional intelligence, etc.
Am I a sapiosexual, you might ask. Well, it never hurts to have a little extra help in the dating department, and knowing you are a sapiosexual narrows the larger pool of potential dates for you if you are looking for something long term or even just as a casual fun date. Here are some of the personality traits of sapiosexuals.
Characteristics of a Sapiosexual

1. They Exist Everywhere
Many people like to argue that sapiosexuality is a pretense, but studies and research by gender and sexuality experts have confirmed their existence. There also happens to be a lot more sapiosexuals who do not even know that they are one. Therefore, if you know that your attraction to someone is dependent on something other than his or her physical appearance and more on their intelligence, you display the characteristics of a sapiosexual.
2. Communication Plays a Huge Role in the Success of the Relationship
If you are someone who needs communication of a specific type to be attracted to an individual, it means you are a sapiosexual. Sapiosexuals detest small talk and it makes them uncomfortable. Talking and everything under the sky of a more intelligent manner is a tip of your preferences. Here’s a fun fact, that friend who never has a single grammar typo and always enjoys discussing knowledgeable matters is probably a baby sapiosexual (probably)!
3. Attraction at First Conversation
“Love at first sight” is not possible with a sapiosexual, but “attraction at first conversation” most definitely is, it might not progress into something more definite but that attraction will be there. So when you go on a date and you would hear your date say something smart and you feel this tingly feeling, (whispers:” you are a sapiosexual”). This is one of the main reasons why it is good to know if you are a sapiosexual. You can now avoid all those “dumb blonde dates”!
4. The One Relationship that Needs Time and Will Last for a Long Time
Time decides the fate of several relationships, except in this case it takes time to be in a relationship and it is long term. The main cause of most relationships failing is some difference of opinion or that the relationship was built of material matters. And if you ask this question to yourself, that ‘am I a sapiosexual?’ then you should know that sapiosexuals do not have to worry about that, as their relationship will last as long as they continue to find their intelligence and everyone knows intelligence never fades.
5. Admires all Forms of Smarts
It is not just book smarts, but skill and intelligence in anything at all. For example, a sapiosexual might find someone well versed in sporty matters attractive. So do not fear, thinking that book smarts are the only magic dust for sapiosexuals to fall in love.
6. Looks Don’t Factor at All in the Relationship
It sounds far-fetched, but looks are the least important factor in a sapiosexual’s relationship. Therefore, the relationship has a stronger foundation, which gives me hope that there are lasting relationships.
It might seem a little too much information if you have just realized that you are a sapiosexual and even if you are not, you will meet someone who is, so it helps to know all this information about the characteristics of a sapiosexual. Being a sapiosexual comes with difficulties like every other good thing in this world, but now that you know what you are looking for. Get to it! Jump into the sapiosexual dating pool!
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