Think a cold shower sounds like a one-way ticket to the chilly South Pole? Well, hold your horses (or should we say penguins?). Experts say taking the plunge into cooler water can have some surprisingly awesome benefits. We’re talking increased energy, improved circulation, and even a mood boost. Come on, let’s find out some chilling benefits of cold shower.
Health Benefits of Cold Showers

Improvement in Blood Circulation
A cold shower is like a small shock to your body. When you take a cold shower it temporarily puts a constraint on your blood vessels. Once you finish the shower the vessels get back to normal. This leads your heart to pump the blood deeper into your body improving blood circulation.
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Boost in Energy
One of the biggest advantages of a cold shower is that it helps to boost your energy levels and makes you alert to the circumstances. The little shock wave that a cold shower gives us helps to uplift the metabolism as well as the oxygen intake capability of our body which promotes the energy level. A cold shower can increase your metabolism up to a whopping 3.5 times.
Refreshes Mind
While talking about energy, let’s not forget this cold water benefits – mental refreshment. A rejuvenating touch of cold water can awaken your brain. That cold touch is also found to activate the neurotransmitters present in your brain making your brain more active and open to what’s going around.
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Strengthening of Immunity
Studies have found that people taking cold showers at least 1-2 minutes daily for 3 months reported less number of sick days. Cool shower benefits us by producing white blood cells – the cells that kill disease-causing bacteria and viruses.
Relief from Stress
There are some benefits of a cold shower, which can be hard to find any connection with a cold shower, Would you believe that a cold shower can trigger some chemical reaction that can help to bring our stress level down?
When you take a cold shower, it can activate certain parts of your nervous system which helps to control your breathing and heartbeat. A properly synced heartbeat plays a crucial role in lowering the level of stress.
Related: Stress Management: 10 Ways to Ease Your Stress
Improvement of Skin
It’s a known fact that taking showers regularly removes dirt and microorganisms from our skin. But, what’s special about cold showers is that cold shower performs as a detox agent to refresh your skin – something that hot showers are not too capable of.
Cold showers contracts and expands our blood vessels which results in improved blood circulation on the skin making your skin healthy and glowing.
The Bottom Line
Not only brain or skin – a cold shower positivity impacts your whole body. Next time whenever you ask this question yourself – ‘Why are cold showers good for you’, remember all these benefits of cold shower that might motivate you to conquer the fears of cold water and jump into a bathtub filled with cold water without thinking twice.
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