It is common to see relationships going through ups and downs and have insecurity in relationship. Today, the important thing to note is that the “downs” are getting more prominent than the “ups.” Breakups have taken a toll on people, who are getting psychologically affected. There has been a rise in the number of cases for depression and suicide attempts. On the other hand, if some people do get through the breakup phase, they look for a rebound so that they do not have the time to think about the failed relationship.

A failed relationship can be due to compatibility issues, or careless attitude, or insecurity in relationship. Even if the two people have a good relationship, but are bitten by insecurity, it will do tremendous and possibly unrepairable damage. The insecurity in a relationship is always a negative or an obsessed feeling towards your partner, the more you have it, the more it will hurt. Your insecurity can lead to regular fights, depression, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, etc.
Must Read: Secrets of happy couples’ relationships.
Let us take a look at some of the points that will indicate that you might be insecure about your partner.
1. Spying
If you are checking your partner’s phone call records, messages, stalking Facebook profile, etc., when he/she is not around, then it is a sign of insecurity in relationship.
Suppose your partner is talking over the phone (could be parents) for a long period of time or is smiling while chatting (could be a friend or relative), then your insecurity will make you think that your partner is hiding something. Eventually, this will lead to unnecessary doubts and ugly fights. Trust is an essential part of a relationship, so maintain that.
2. Overthinking
Couples often complicate their relationship by overthinking. The relationship should be transparent and straightforward. If you have football matches over the weekend, but your partner wants to go out, then tell your partner openly. Do not overthink how your partner would feel? Would he/she be angry with me? Would he/she go out with someone else? These questions will add to your insecurities, and will create a complex web; the easy solution would be to talk about it, maybe sacrifice some of your matches for the date, or plan something at home.
3. Reassurance
Sometimes, reassurance is fine, but if it becomes a habit, then there is a high probability that you have insecurity towards your partner. If you keep asking your partner whether he/she still loves you? Will you be the same for the rest of your life, as promised? Will you get involved with anybody else, when I am not here?. Your partner will start having doubts about the trust factor in your relationship.
4. Unnecessary thoughts
If you, for some reason, start to think, how will you be able to carry on with the current relationship when earlier one failed because of you? I am not that good, so why would anybody love me? I could hurt my partner and then might lose him/her. All these things show your insecurity. Be open about your feelings with your partner and live in the present moment.
5. Comparison with ‘Ex’
If you bring up topics about your partner’s ex in most of your conversations, or if you are trying to compare yourself with him/her to prove that you are better, then it is a sign of insecurity. Try having an open conversation with your partner about your relationship, the trust factor, and your insecurity in relationship.
This is pretty obvious to be insecure in your relationship. But eventually, it does not help rather it sow seeds of fear of losing your partner. If you belong to any of the aforementioned signs of the insecurity in relationship then you need to work on it. Be vocal with your partner, discuss your insecurities and jump to the conclusion.
Stay Happy.