Love and infatuation are two faces of the same coin. They may seem similar but are very different from each other. Sometimes you are in a dilemma of your feelings and don’t know how to process them. Hence, go through these signs of infatuation to clear your ideas.
You have a blurred notion of the concept of love and cannot differentiate between loving and obsession. You are in a state of emotional turmoil with overwhelming feelings you cannot control. Your love may not be reciprocated or maybe it was never there in the first place.
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You must figure out your intensity of feelings and actions. It is very likely the actions you think you are doing out of love are the aftermaths of your obsession. Therefore, clearing your mind and knowing your feelings is the foremost step you must take in the first place.
So, how to know your exact state of mind and your feelings? You must figure out what’s right for you before it’s too late. There are a few signs of infatuation that would help you get to know about your true thoughts.
Signs of Infatuation

1. Desperation
One of the signs of infatuation is being desperate. You are overexcited all the time and don’t pay attention to others. You are desperate over everything and cannot control your emotions. You want everything to be at a fast pace with accelerating emotions. You are desperate to meet him or her, want hours of talking and to get close to her. Love never paves the way to desperation because when you are in love everything goes at a natural pace whereas, in case of infatuation, you are desperate to take things forcefully.
2. Extra-possessiveness
Infatuation makes you extra-possessive. You cannot bear him or her with someone else. Even the slightest thought of watching the person talking to someone else makes you crazy. Simple jealousy is another thing but when you are infatuated with someone your actions are over agitated and extra exaggerated. You are extremely possessive over someone and cannot bear him or her talking to someone. You can be very angry at times and indulge in a big fight. On the other hand, if you love someone you tend to be more understanding, caring, and patient.
3. No Personal Attachment
Although you are with the person you want to be with. Furthermore, you have no personal attachment to that person. You are simply with him or her but you don’t know anything about their likes or dislikes. You don’t have any personal feelings regarding him or her because you are deep into desperation and obsession with him. You are not interested to know about his or her family, friends, experiences because all you want is to be with him or her.
4. Delusions and Non-Trust
You become delusional and paranoid. When you are infatuated with someone you are always paranoid in leaving them watching them talk to others, etc. You cannot help yourself and you get deep into the trust issues which makes you vulnerable, angry, and depressed.
5. Loss of Interest
Infatuation does not last long. After some time you lose interest in that person and start distancing yourself. You don’t like being around them and all your past feeling are nothing to you. You seem like you have no repent or pain and that person does not matter to you anymore.
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These were the points that help you differentiate between your love and infatuation. If you are certain of these sings of infatuation, you are very well clear of your infatuation and you know exactly how you feel.