Having a black jeans is as necessary as black hoodies in winter. Despite knowing the fact that black jeans always lose their color and become greyish that looks very dull. Hence, you will find 5 easy tricks to prevent black jeans from fading.
2.3 billion jeans per year are sold worldwide, or 73 jeans per second, according to Kaporal’s general manager Laurence Paganini. Formerly reserved for the working class, this work blue has established itself today as the ubiquitous and multicultural companion of modern man. Purchased raw, the beautiful indigo of a pair gradually clears up, marking the habits of its owner. Black jeans are like white jeans: they deserve special attention if we want to preserve them. To do this, you just need to know a few simple tips and adopt the right habits.

1) Adequate water temperature to preserve darkness
Coldwater? Hot water? Be aware that heat accelerates the aging and wear of dark clothing. In addition, too hot water will tend to tarnish jeans and break the fibers, causing faster discoloration. You will understand, it is, therefore, necessary to wash your jeans in cold water. If you are using the machine, avoid cycling above 30° C. With this tip, your black pants will always be like new.
2) Choose the right cycle for your washing machine to Prevent black jeans from fading
In general, recent washing machines are equipped with special cycles depending on the materials and colors to prevent black jeans from fading. If yours does not offer it, simply use the shortest cycle. This will best preserve your black jeans. And above all, no dryer after!
3) Coffee to strengthen the dark
In addition to giving you a boost in the morning, the coffee brightens the color of your black jeans. In the softener tank, pour a cup of coffee when rinsing. Do a second rinse to remove the potential smell of coffee, and voila. Indeed, coffee is a natural dye. The latter strengthens black and darkens all shades of dark colors.
4) Beer to keep dark colors
As crazy as it sounds, the beer retains the black color. And yes, the pint of beer is not confined to parties. Wash your jeans normally, then pour a glass of beer into the softener drawer. Use this tip when rinsing, once every three washes.
5) Mix white vinegar and salt to fix the black
In your washing machine, pour a preparation based on a glass of white vinegar and 100g of salt. This effective combo will fix the black color on your jeans. So your favorite little black dress will always remain pretty. Know that the salt prevents the pigments of the dyes from flowing. It is therefore very useful to use it for each wash, especially on your new jeans.
If you don’t bring your three-piece suit several times a week to the dry cleaners to prevent black jeans from fading, you should do the same with raw jeans, to avoid washing it too quickly. Especially since it might well shrink. One can try the “seawater recipe”, we recommend the” machine recipe “instead: at 30° C, a delicate program without spinning with a special detergent for black clothes, to apply as infrequently as your conscience hygienist authorizes you to do so (according to purists, every three months maximum).
See also: Fashion for Short Men to Look Taller and Handsome.