Intuition is powerful! Unfortunately, not every person knows the value of this quality they possess. If you are an intuitive person, you are lucky enough to walk on the right path in your life and never regret the decisions you make.
While some people are aware of their intuitive traits, there are still many who have no clue about the same. In case you have no idea if your intuitions are strong or you are highly intuitive, some interesting signs will reveal them to you.
List of Signs of an Intuitive Person
Bear in mind, there are no definite characteristics that all intuitive people embody, however, there are common signs of an intuitive person you can know about.

1. Obey Inner Voice
The first and foremost sign of intuitive people is that they listen to their inner voice and respect it. By saying respect means, they follow their instincts or the voice coming from their soul while taking certain steps ahead.
Even if they get advice from other people, they still take time to understand what their inner voice is saying to them. People with high intuition power respect this inner voice. Whatsoever, the intuition says, they take their actions based upon it. Because for them, intuition never lies.
2. Strongly Aware of the Feelings
Many people tend to avoid their feelings while the intuitive person values them. According to them, feelings can hold valuable messages which can help them to choose the right path or to take the right action.
Hence, for an intuitive person, their feelings are not ordinary, rather they take it as guidance for their better.
3. Closely Observe Surroundings
To receive the right guidance from inner wisdom, an intuitive person will always pay attention to the surroundings. Such people observe their environment as this helps them to gather information or suggestions which are required when making the right decision.
The act of observation also guides intuitive people to take the right step as they absorb relevant intelligence from their surroundings.
4. Don’t Make Impulsive Decisions
People often make decisions in a rush which they might regret later. While highly intuitive people are quite the opposite. Contemplating the whole scenario and coming up with a smart decision is what an intuitive person does.
People with high intuition power take things slow. Since they are well-tuned with their inner voice so they observe, understand, and then take their holistic approach.
Although the process of their decision-making can be slow, they don’t regret their decision in the future. Additionally, it gives them an immense sense of confidence, peace of mind, and a sense of pride.
5. Deep Thinking
A person who is highly intuitive will end up thinking a lot. Although overthinking can cause trouble to one’s emotions, it is quite the opposite for the intuitive person.
Deep thinking is very helpful for intuitive people as this allows them to contemplate a particular situation in their life. It also educates them and improves their intuition so it can provide better counsel for them.
6. Empathic Abilities
Intuitive people can sense strongly what other people are thinking or feeling. Such people possess high vibrational frequencies to which their minds are attuned.
Therefore, they can sense the energies given by people around them. This empathetic ability to understand people allows them to refine their actions in any situation.
7. Refocus Mind on the Present
Intuitive people refocus their minds on the present in order to hear what their intuition is saying. This allows them to remove any blockages coming from past events or future expectations.
Once they are in a state of attentiveness, they can get the right message from their intuition. This is the reason they don’t focus on what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future; they are always in the NOW moment.
8. Dreams Mean A Lot
Intuition develops a connection between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. People with high intuition power are aware that what they think while sleeping could be a metaphor for their fears.
Moreover, they understand that their dreams can also provide solutions to their problems. Thus, a highly intuitive person gives importance to their dreams. Also, they are good at decoding their dreams because they recognize a vision from God.
9. Optimism is in Their Soul
Since intuitive people are aligned with their own feelings, they easily process negativity that arises within them. They learn lessons quickly from their mistakes and always possess a positive and optimistic approach to life.
People with high intuition power also believe that they can receive good out of bad no matter what gloomy scenario they are in.
10. Synchronicity Follows You
An intuitive person knows there is a lot more in the world than we see. They are also aware of the signs sent by the universe. Some people get to see repeated numbers which are also known as angel numbers. Angel number 1111 is the most common sign encountered by many intuitive people.
These numbers guide people for their next move based on the affirmations they practice. Learn more about angel numbers.
Furthermore, fateful meetings, coincidences, and other events are always taken as guidance or message by highly intuitive people. Not only do they understand these signs but also follow them to navigate their life.
11. Having a Definite Purpose
One of the signs of an intuitive person is that they have a very strong sense of purpose. They know what they want to do with their life. It is just like a spiritual person who knows they have a soul purpose.
In addition, this makes them feel happy and excited. For this reason, they keep moving forward to uncover the exact meaning of this particular feeling. Because they know, they have a purpose in their life.
12. Easily Gain Trust from Others
Since intuitive people are good at understanding someone’s feelings, they gel well with people. Not only this, intuitive people understand better how open the other person is and how to make other people comfortable according to the level of their openness.
This approach by an intuitive person becomes likable (almost by every person they meet). As a result, other people easily feel comfortable and trust them.
13. Creativity and Imagination
One of the most interesting traits of an intuitive person is that they let their minds go anywhere it wants to. They are good at imagining and creating an exceptional point of view.
Daydreaming and making specific scenarios in their head makes them feel relaxed and happy. This also gives them the freedom to think and come up with creative ideas.
14. Make Time for Relaxation
Intuitive people know that their intuition needs to be operated at peak efficiency. Therefore, they find it really important to take some time for relaxation.
This helps them to settle the energies that may disperse. Thus, an intuitive person makes time to relax as this also helps them to get brilliant thoughts during the rest time.
15. Get Upset with Bad Decisions
There can be scenarios when an intuitive person made a decision that slipped later. For this reason, they might have to bear some difficulties.
Such incidents often make an intuitive person go crazy about making poor decisions. They not only regret but mull over it.
16. Nature is Love for You
Many people are connected to the natural world but the intuitive ones are always ecstatic about nature. They feel a special connection with it.
To experience the greens and fresh air, they might even leave their phone behind. Highly intuitive people even like to go to the woods for long walks.
Last Words on Intuitive Personality Traits
Being an intuitive person, you can understand things instinctively, without reasoning. This is like a supernatural power one could have. However, most people are not fully aware if they possess intuitive personality traits. Some common signs are already shared above. I am sure this helped you.