Having a bunch of friends and sharing your good times with them is no other than a blessing. In fact, true friends always have this urge to support you in times of need. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to have the truest friend in their life. Some of you might have been deceived by your own friend as well. Therefore, you should be smart enough to spot the solid signs of fake friends and never let them affect you emotionally, physically, and mentally.

10 Signs of a Fake Friend
Some of you might be having friends but how would you know if they are the real ones? To recognize the fake friend in your friend’s circle, you can observe a number of symptoms.
For instance, a fake friend will always criticize you instead of encouraging you. They will judge you for your mistakes, begrudge your happiness, spread rumors about you, don’t support you, and don’t help you in need.
There can be other signs of fake friends that will help you to understand if you should stay away from them. Find out how you can spot your fake friends with these strong signs:
1. Make Calls on Purpose
When you hear from your friend only when they need something from you and the other time they never even care how you are doing, it is one of the clear signs that your friend is fake.
They just take advantage of your availability as a helper. Although it is good to help others. However, your fake friends won’t be in touch once they have fulfilled their purpose.
2. Never Respect You
Making fun of each other in friendships seems fine. However, when it extends, it may affect your emotions. In the guise of backhanded compliments and playful teasing, your fake friends may attempt to put you down so they can feel superior.
Not only when you are alone but they can also bully or disrespect you in public. One of the fake friend symptoms also reveals that they can cause insecurity in your romantic relationships too.
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3. Treat You as an Emotional Punching Bag
You must be having that friend who tells you about the awful situation happening in their life. Then, they ask for your opinions about that situation but don’t take your advice.
Rather they do the opposite which you tell them to do. This results in self-destruction. In addition, they take out all their negativity and frustration into you instead of being self-aware. They even want you to do the emotional labor for them.
4. No Apologies
There can be instances when you get upset at something because your friend said something they should not have. A real friend will understand this and apologize for making you feel this way.
On the other hand, a fake friend will never admit their mistakes. Rather they will lose their temper and start telling lies to make you feel you are wrong. They might even stop talking to you for a while but they will not apologize for being wrong.
5. They Only Care About Themselves
Another fake friend’s sign is that they only care about themselves. Their needs and their wants are more important than yours. Moreover, they stop treating you respectfully. For them, you only exist for their benefit but they won’t bother themselves to care about you.
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6. Hesitate to Help You in Need
How does it feel when you help your friends but they don’t? Of course, so bad and disappointing. But, that friend is not real at all.
If your friend disappears when you need them the most, this is a strong sign of a fake friend. Even if you try to contact them and they pretend to be busy, ghost themselves, or don’t keep any promises every time, you should instantly recognize these as signs of fake friends.
7. Don’t Respect Your Opinions
Fake friends often expect you to agree on everything they say to you. If you don’t, they start making it an issue just because you are having your opinion.
Whereas, a real friend will not question whether you agree or disagree. Rather, a genuine friend will respect your beliefs and opinions.
8. They Don’t Take Stands For You
There can be occasions when you have an argument with some other person. Generally, a true friend takes a stand for you in such cases and makes you feel supported.
While your fake friend will only see you arguing with that person because they don’t want to take risks of being disliked by their surroundings. They will keep letting you argue and fight and wait until you finish. When they don’t take any action on behalf of you, get this as one of the clear signs of fake friends.
9. They Superficially Know You
Knowing your name, house number, and other major details is normal for everyone. But, if you have a very close friend, he/she would know what kind of human you are, how you think, your likeness, dislikes, your dreams, and a lot more personal stuff.
However, when you have fake friends in your life, they would only know you on a fake level. They make you feel they know you but in reality, they don’t. When there is no deeper understanding between you two, this makes it a superficial bond.
10. Fake Friends Resent Your Success
Who does not want to see you growing in every phase of your life? Your loved ones will always wish the best for you. Unfortunately, a fake friend does not. Instead, a fake friend will begrudge your happiness and success.
Whenever you perform well at workplaces, earn a lot of money, or go outside your country to reach heights, your fake friend will never be happy with this growth. They might even have a little resentment. Whereas a true friend prays for both of you to get the best in all.
In Conclusion
Be it a small or large group, almost everyone has friends. Blessed are those who have friends with the purest soul and who have good intentions for you. Unfortunately, some of you might not know if you are having real or fake friends. However, the above-mentioned signs of fake friends will let you know. Make sure you distance yourself from such fake people before they could harm you.