Nowadays, maintaining a happy relationship is more like a myth. We hardly find couples with the proud tongue which says, I’m happy in my relationship. But what are those secrets of happy couples relationships which makes them say it proudly?
Most of us, observe our parents who have been together for years and yet never give up on each other. They stand together through thick and thin and make their relationship strong and happy. Then, what is it in our generation that we can’t maintain a happy relationship. While the internet is giving us Relationship Goals, we are still struggling to maintain a balance between love and professional life.
So here, I’m letting you know it all by sharing a list of secret rules of happy couples relationships.
1. Communication
Communication is a pillar of any relationship not just your love relationship. You both should always be able to listen and talk about your problems. Lack in communication can ruin the best of the relationships. Discuss your problems maturely and settle on a middle ground.
2. Respect Each Other
You cannot love someone without respecting them. Respect their work, their time and their presence in your life. When you respect each other in a relationship, little fights about not being on time goes out of the window. Respect never lets you take your partner for granted.
3. Don’t Change Them

Always remember why you fell in love with your partner, changing them will evaporate the main essence of your relationship. People in a relationship keep bugging each other to change certain habits which they loved earlier. Be true to yourself and let your partner be their own true self.
4. Give Them their Space
Space is an essential part of a relationship. You both should have a separate life apart from each other. Your own friends to go to, your work and own my time. It’s healthy to have some time apart to come back to a fresh and healthy relationship. This time will enable you to appreciate and miss your partner more.
5. Put in Efforts
When you see things aren’t working out between you two, always put in efforts to make things better. Show your partner that this relationship is important for you. It is one of the most considered secrets of happy couples relationships. Making an effort will bring so much difference in your relationship. It will make them feel special and worthy.
6. Agree to Disagree
It’s not possible for you to agree with your partner on everything. Always try to agree to disagree, this will help you both to skip many unnecessary arguments and fights. Any happy relationships have compromises from both sides, try to work around things.
7. Quality time

Quality time can be one of the secrets of happy couples relationships. Always make time for your partner, take them on date nights, movies or a Sunday picnic. Spending time together will help your relationship grow and nourish. You will make memories for a lifetime to cherish.
8. Honesty is the Best Policy
Between telling a lie which will make your partner feel better or saying the truth which might hurt them, always choose the latter one. Never let your partner question your honesty, it can be a deal-breaker in a relationship. Once you break someone’s trust, it takes a lifetime to rebuild it. Be honest with each other even in the tough times.
9. Support Each Other
It is normal if your partner has a few bad days. It’s important that you support and comfort them during their bad phase. Let them know you’re there whenever they need you. Respect their boundaries but always show your support and affection towards them.
10. Throw Some Love
It’s easier said than done. People in long term relationship usually forget to remind their partner how much they love and appreciate them. Try keeping the romance alive by doing little gesture of appreciation, never let them feel that you’re taking them for granted.
What an oxymoron! These steps are so simple to follow. You can easily maintain relations knowing the secrets of happy couples relationships. Putting in efforts for your loved ones should never come as work. Improve your relationship one day at a time.