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It has been seen that 6 to 12 percent of women in reproductive years have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which leads to irregular periods, weight gain, and issues with conception and ovulation. If you have been into any of these problems, knowing about yoga for PCOS and PCOD is necessary for you.
Yoga for PCOD has been considered the best way to overcome PCOD. Some particular techniques of yoga cure PCOS and decrease testosterone levels. You may also try these home remedies for PCOS or herbal tea to regulate your menstrual cycle.
Must Read: Myths and Facts about PCOS Every Woman Should Know
List of Ten Best Yoga for PCOS
Today it has become essential to remain active to keep ourselves away from such health issues. Otherwise, it may affect your health in numerous ways such as hair loss. Just doing some simple stretching exercises can not be a solution for curing PCOD.
Proper yoga asanas for PCOS issues are required for you to fight back against these hormonal imbalances. Also, follow a curated PCOS diet chart. So, here we are with top yoga for PCOS and PCOD:
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The Garland Pose (Malasana)

The hip-opening pose known as Malasana improves the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. It’s one of the best PCOS yoga at home asanas for PCOS treatment that boosts circulation and blood flow to the pelvic area, enhancing metabolism, and facilitating digestion.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- Start by putting your feet a mat’s width apart.
- Come into a squat posture by bending your knees and bringing your buttocks down toward the floor.
- Position your hands in a praying stance (Anjali mudra). You can let your thumbs touch your sternum to maintain your chest elevated.
- Keep your back straight and engage your upper arms and triceps inside your knees.
- Draw the shoulder blades together while extending the lower back.
- Hold this posture for up to five breaths.
- Set your legs up straight and get out of it.
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The Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Bridge Pose is the best yoga for PCOS and PCOD. It helps relax the back muscles and soothe the brain while lowering stress and anxiety, as stress is one of the reasons for PCOD.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- Laying on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip distance apart on the floor is an excellent place to start.
- Put your hands by your body with the palms facing out.
- Take a deep breath as you slowly raise your upper back, middle back, and lower back off the floor.
- Bring the chest to the chin and roll the shoulders gently.
- Keep the feet planted in the ground and the thighs parallel to each other and the floor.
- Hold this position for some seconds, while taking deep breaths.
The Bow Pose (Dhanurasana Yoga for PCOS)

Yoga for irregular periods and PCOS treatment, Dhanurasana is the best pose as it helps to regulate menstrual flow, stimulate the reproductive system, and ease menstrual discomfort.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- Start by resting on your stomach with your arms by your sides.
- Reach out with your hands to grab your ankles while bending your knees.
- Take a deep breath and raise your legs while lifting your chest off the ground.
- For 15 seconds, maintain the posture while breathing normally.
- Bring your legs and chest back to the bottom to let go, then relax your face and let go of the hold on your ankles.
The Cat-Cow Pose (Chakravakasana)

While doing yoga for PCOD, it is also highly recommended to do Cat-Cow Pose frequently to treat PCOS.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- Place hands on the tabletop with elbows and wrists under your shoulders, your knees under your hips, and your ankles pointing straight back from your knees. Depending on how the flow moves you, you can curl your toes under or your foot tops down.
- Take a deep breath, flex your elbows, tuck your tummy in, elevate your chin and tailbone simultaneously, and move your spine’s vertebrae in a wavelike motion.
- Reverse the movement by tucking the tailbone and chin toward the chest, arching the back, and pulling the navel into the spine as you exhale.
- Repeat as many times as needed.
The Butterfly or Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Yoga for PCOS treatment is a fantastic therapeutic position that fully supports the spine and back body, releasing tension from the shoulders and chest.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- Sit down on the mat and extend your legs out in front of you to start.
- Press the soles together by bending your knees and bringing your heels toward you. You’ll bend sideways at the knees.
- Your back should be on the floor when you lean back.
- For three to five minutes, or longer, if you feel comfortable, close your eyes and take deep breaths.
- Be careful you leave the position consciously by rolling to your right side, taking a few breaths there, and then rising to a seated position or in any other method that seems suitable for you.
The Breathing Technique (Kapalbhati Pranayama)

While doing yoga for PCOS and PCOD treatment, the rapid breathing practices known as Kapalbhati help with several of the symptoms of PCOS, including stress levels, blood sugar levels, and weight control.
A Quick Note: It’s advised not to do this breathing exercise when pregnant.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- Sit on the floor or cross-legged in a chair.
- Try to relax your entire body as you close your eyes.
- Expand the chest when you take a deep, nasal breath.
- To relax, exhale while firmly contracting your abdominal muscles.
The Head-to-Knee Pose (Janusirsana)

The head-to-knee pose is a wonderful “all-inclusive” position. This is the best yoga to cure PCOS.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- On a yoga mat, take a seat.
- Stretch your left leg to the corner of your mat; toes pointed upward, heel back down. With the right knee bent, the right foot is tucked as comfortably close to the groin as possible.
- Breathe deeply and slowly exhale as you extend your arms over your legs and move your upper body toward the left foot while bringing your right arm in an arc over your head. A strap is helpful to increase resistance and extend this stretch of the rib cage facing the sky.
- With each deep inhale, see how your body twists, shoulders, and hips open up, your sacroiliac joint receives a light massage, and your kidneys, ovaries, and other internal organs move.
The Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

While performing yoga for PCOS problem treatment, the Cobra stance, also known as Bhujang asana, is frequently advised to perform as it helps to relax the body and reduces stress.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- Lay flat on the ground. Keep your elbows close to your body and face down with your palms out.
- Try to lean back as much as you can as you inhale by starting to straighten your arms to raise your chest off the ground.
- The floor should be in contact with your navel.
- Hold this posture for 15–30 seconds before taking a calm, downward breath.
The Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Since stress is one of the leading causes of PCOS, this specific yoga for PCOS may be able to assist you in reducing it. Practicing this asana reduces the level of stress and cortisol.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- On your back, flatten out. Put both hands on either side of your body with the palms facing up.
- Keep your eyes closed and your body perfectly still. Take as many gentle, deep breaths as you can via your nose.
- Clear your mind, then pay attention to your breathing.
The Child Pose (Balasana Yoga for PCOS)

Balasana is a fantastic pose for building hip strength. Because it aids in the body’s return to its natural position following stretching and lengthening in other asanas, this Asana is included in our list of yoga asanas for PCOS.
Steps to perform this Asana:
- Keep your knees firmly clasped together when you sit down. Your heels should be in contact with your hips.
- After taking a breath, begin bending forward and cocking your forehead. Try to touch your forehead to the ground.
- Take a breath out and return to the starting posture.
Final Words on Yoga for PCOS
PCOS can make daily life frustrating at times. You may feel better if you can find techniques to control the symptoms and improve your general health. Regular yoga for PCOD problems may lessen testosterone levels and relieve PCOS symptoms.